xa:wát he: á:’jna’
ma’htín cha:tín chixkú’ chá’nli’ kúxi’, tzaj xma:n ki:chá’nli’ he: pa:tzanhá:lh. tzukúlh pun kúxi’ he: stá’ka na: chu:ntzá pá’hlhma’.
a’lh kilhtamakúj, taka:katzaní:lh, tzukúlh tala:waní á:’jna’ he: xa:wát,
— ja: ti: katila’hkuxtúka’, wan á:’jna’.
xa:wát helhti:nín,
— namín kinte:kú’, namín kila’hkuxtú. tzaj ja: tu: halhí: kilhtamakúj, lhú:wa’ halhí: ixtaskujút, u:tzá ja: li:mín
á:’jna’ helhti:nimpalá:,
— ja: katimílh xalhki:tít, kit naiks’awi:yá:n palapála iksta’kmá:lh, ikma:jikswi:yá:n he: nakma’hni:yá:n.xla xa:wát helhti:nimpalá:,
— namín maskí nala’htzína’, ja: kina’hxte’hma’há:lh, nakila’hkuxtú.
ja: a’lh kilhtamakúj tzamá: chixkú pa:stá’kli’ ixa:wát, a’lh la’htzín chi: ixtaka:katzanima:lhtzá.wan,
— naikla’hkuxtú.
tzukúlh la’hkuxtú ixa:wát. xa:wát pa:xuwa:hó: he: wanílh á:’jna’,
— lá’htzi’ ikwanín, namín kinte:kú’ tzaj ja: tu: ixhalhí: kilhtamakúj, chu:wá xla nama’hni:yá:n he: kit nakstá’ka, kit nakli:makwaní nakma:wí: pó’htu’ ixlakstín he: ti: ma:wí: he: wix je:hé:, wix tzaj makata:yanána’ ma:jikswi:nína’ u:tzá nali:ma’hni:yá:n he: nama:sputu:yá:n.
wamá: taa’hsanín wa:tzá a’hspúta, kahalhi:tít tzaláj naika:wanipalayá:n a’htín wampalá: taa’hsanín.
— Roberto Barragán Álvarez
Corn and Nettle
Once upon a time a man planted corn, he just planted it and forgot it. The corn began to sprout and also grew leaves.
Time went on, and the field became weedy, Nettles began to grow amongst the Corn.
— Nobody will weed for you, said the Nettle.
The Corn answered,
— My owner will come, he will come to weed for me. He just doesn’t have time, he has a lot of work, that’s why he hasn’t come.
The Nettle answered back,
— The lazybones won’t come, I’ll beat you, I’m growing fast, I’ll trouble you and I will kill you.
The Corn answered back,
— He’ll surely come, you’ll see, he isn’t abandoning me, he will come to weed for me.
It wasn’t long before the man remembered his corn, he went and saw how weedy the field was growing.
>He said,
— I’m going to weed.
He began to weed his corn. The Corn was happy and said to the Nettle,<
— You see, I told you that my owner would come, he just didn’t have time, now he will kill you and I will grow, I will be sufficient and I will feed all his children and his wife, but you won’t, you just prick people’s hands and cause problems, that’s why he’ll kill you and you will be destroyed.
This story ends here, wait and soon I will tell you another story.