We cannot acknowledge all the people who have contributed to this web site.
The most important are the wonderful people of the villages of Central Ukraine. These will be acknowledged on many pages of this web site.
One person we would like to mention here by name is Oksana Fedorivna Kryvorot, called Baba San’ka, of the village of Velykyi Khutir, Drabiv region, Cherkasy province. She gave the whole village, and thanks to these pages, the whole world some wonderful stories.
It is with very great sadness that we report the death on March 8, 2004 of Baba San’ka of Velykyi Khutir.
But, without the help of people at the University of Alberta, you would not be seeing this now.
Special thanks to Ismael Rumzan, Digital Media Developer, Academic Information and Communications Technologies, Kamal Ranaweera, Team Lead and Omar Rodriguez-Arenas, Systems Analyst, Arts Resource Centre, University of Alberta for designing these wonderful templates, and giving much help.
Also, special thanks to Yue (Eric) Zhang of TAPoR (Text Analysis Portal for Research), University of Alberta for designing the Searchable Sound Files interface.