At the Cemetery

When the procession reaches the cemetery, another service is held. Sometimes, if the family can afford it, a church service is conducted, as we witnessed in Ploske, Nosiv region, Chernihiv province in 2000. Many cemeteries are adjacent to a church and the coffin is brought inside for a service before being taken to graveside. At the graveside, relatives say goodbye to the deceased and lament for the last time. The coffin is lowered, often on special ritual towels kept for this purpose (photo). The priest “seals” the grave by making cuts in the shape of a cross on the grave opening. Each of the relatives throws in three handfuls of dirt and the grave is covered over and decorated with flowers.

We returned to Ploske in August 2013 and were very happy to see the same priest is in the church.  He remembered us and asked us to take his picture.
