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Canadian Indigenous Media Index (179 items)

Elemnt FM (or CFPO-FM) is an Indigenous radio station in Ottawa broadcasting at 95.7 FM. It is owned by First Peoples Radio, a subsidiary of APTN. Broadcasting music and talk shows targeting First Nations communities, it focuses on contemporary and…

Launched on October 24, 2018, Elemnt FM (or CFPT-FM) is an Indigenous radio station in Toronto broadcasting at 106.5 FM. It is owned by First Peoples Radio, a subsidiary of APTN. Broadcasting music and talk shows targeting First Nations communities,…

Revolutions Per Minute is a podcast where Indigenous music and culture meet in sound. Each episode is dedicated to the music, stories, and experiences of Indigenous artists from around the world by exploring a place, idea, or tradition that inspires…

The Makoons Media Group is an emerging, independent, Indigenous media company committed to Indigenous Storytelling. It creates digital projects that center Indigenous voices in an effort to disrupt, inspire, and transform the world around us. The…

First Nations Drum is Canada’s largest Indigenous newspaper. It reaches communities all across Canada as it is distributed to Native Bands, Friendship Centres, Tribal Councils, schools, colleges and universities, libraries, various Indigenous…

Founded in 1984, Alberta Native News is an independent newspaper serving Indigenous communities across Canada. It distributes 12,000 copies monthly to all First Nation and Inuit communities, Metis settlements and Friendship Centres throughout…

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Launched in 1997, Raven's Eye was a news publication specifically designed for the Indigenous people of British Columbia and Yukon. The newspaper offered daily local news and national and international news as well as weather, sports, lifestyle,…

Founded in 1983, the Aboriginal Multi-Media Society of Alberta (AMMSA) is a news and communications society serving the news and information needs of Indigenous people across Canada. It was incorporated under the Alberta Societies Act in 1983 and has…

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Tutuk tusaratsait shared news on the declining Kaminuriak and Beverly herds of caribou. It was published from Ottawa.(Source: Rankin, Sharon. A Bibliography of Canadian Inuit Periodicals. Presses de l'Université du Québec, Québec, 2011)

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Inuni-Inunu was an irregular Keewatin periodical.(Source: Rankin, Sharon. A Bibliography of Canadian Inuit Periodicals. Presses de l'Université du Québec, Québec, 2011)