Works about Hook

Works about James Clarke Hook

Bethel, Denise. James Clarke Hook, R.A. (1819-1907). M.A. Report, Courtauld Institute of Art, 1975.
Collyer, Graham, ed. Hope Cove, Galmpton and South Huish: The Story of a Devon Parish. Hope Cove, Devon: Hope Cove Archive Group, 2005.
Cotton, Olivia. Churt Remembered. Churt, Farnham: O.M. Cotton, 2002.
Cotton, Olivia. Further Reflections on Churt. Churt, Farnham: O.M. Cotton, 2004.
Forbes Collection of Victorian Pictures and Works of Art, The. Christie's Catalogue for the sale on 18-20 February 2003. 3 vols. London: Christie's International, 2003.
Hook, Allan James. Life of James Clarke Hook, R.A. 3 vols. Printed for private circulation by Butler and Tanner, Ltd., Frome and London, 1929-32.
McMaster, Juliet. "James Clarke Hook and Sons: The Mysterious Case of A Gull Catcher." British Art Journal, VI:3 (Winter 2005), pp 1-7. Illustrated.
McMaster, Juliet, ed. Woman Behind the Painter: The Diaries of Rosalie, Mrs James Clarke Hook. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press, due March 2006. Fully illustrated.
Palmer, A.H. "James Clarke Hook, R.A." Portfolio, 1888. Part I: no. 217, January 1888, 1-9. Part II: no. 218, February 1888, 35-43. Part III: no. 220, April 188, 74-82. Part IV: no. 222, June 1888, 105-111. Conculsion: no. 225, September 1888, 165-170.
Reynolds, Jan. "A Sunnier Side of Life: The Work of Bryan Hook (1856-1925)." Antique Dealer and Collectors Guide, 50:4 (November 1996). 24-26.
Ruskin, John. "Notes on Academy Exhibitions." Vol 14 of The Works of John Ruskin. Ed. E.T. Cook and Alexander Wedderburn. London: George Allen, 1893 ff.
Spencer, Robin. "Whistler and James Clarke Hook," Gazette des Beaux-Arts.
Stephens, Frederic G. James Clarke Hook, Academician: His Life and Work. The Art Annual for 1888. London: J.S. Virtue, 1888.
Watts, Annabel. An Artists' Surrey Eden: The Neighbourhood of 19th-Century Witley. Godalming: Crdocks Printing, 2004.
Wood, Christopher. Victorian Painters. Volume IV of Dictionary of British Art. Antique Collectors' Club, 1988.