Free access to Orlando during Women’s History Month

Thanks to our publishers, Cambridge University Press, the Orlando textbase is free again 1-31 March, to mark Women’s History Month.

To use Orlando, click the “Log in” button in the top-right corner of the homepage and enter the following information:


Password: free-Orlando

Orlando currently contains 1,413 author profiles as well as 13,794 free-standing and 28,807 embedded event entries, with contributions from more than 130 scholars and student researchers. Recent additions to the site include the Teaching with Orlando tips and resources, along with the Exhibit of images shared with the project. You can learn more about the scope and history of the project by reading Orlando’s Preface, or you can jump in with the Get Started documentation.

Orlando‘s contributor base continues to grow. Please feel free to contact us at with suggestions or if you are interested in becoming a collaborator by updating or writing an entry.