MENAME sampler program Nov 24, 2007

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Sampler program (Nov 24)

Themes of Rumi: Love, separation, longing, and reunion in music of the Middle East and North Africa

Dress rehearsal/sound check: Saturday, Nov 24, Convocation Hall, 4-6 PM.
Concert: 8 PM (be backstage by 7:30)
Dress: 'Smart casual' (no sneakers or jeans)


  1. Please review forms before we play
  2. If you are using music or text notations, put them in order beforehand.
  3. If you need instruments, be sure to go to Studio 27 at 3:45 to retrieve them.
  4. Please don't talk between pieces!
  5. Please watch me, and listen to each other carefully. But don't let someone else's mistake throw you off...
  6. Count repetitions for yourself. Don't wait for others to come in.
  7. Instrumentalists: reduce volume for singers, especially soloists
  8. Singers: sing out - we need to hear you!
  9. Instrumentalists: take care with intonation, especially on microtones. Be aware of spaces in vocal line where you can fill with lawazim.
  10. Percussionists: be rock steady. Don't rush when the volume gets louder. And don't slow down when switching to wahda. Listening to each other will help everyone stay locked in.
  11. Smile, and enjoy the performance!

Songs: (click for notes)

  1. Leylim Ley. Turkish turku, in Turkish. Music by Zulfu Livaneli (b. 1946); lyrics by Sabahattin Ali (1907-1948). Vocal solo: Berna Hascakir, Esma Topal; Baglama solo: Vahapcan Er.
  2. Foug al-Nakhal ("At the top of the palm tree"). Iraqi folksong, in Iraqi Arabic. Traditional words and music. Vocal solo: Amal Al-Kheder.
  3. Ha'agas Street #1 Israeli popular song, in Hebrew and Aramaic. Lyrics and music by Ehud Banai (b. 1953). Vocal solo: Ben Ragosin.
  4. Ya Rayah ("Oh emigre"). Algerian sha`bi song, in Algerian Arabic. Music and lyrics by Dahmane El Harrachi (1926-1980). Vocal solo: Samira Elatia.
  5. Shoore Aasheghaaneh ("The ecstasy of love") Iranian tasnif, in Persian. Vocal solo: Elaheh Ahmadi; Tonbak solo: Kioumars Poorhaydari.

Performers (confirmed):
Ali Azad, voice
Amal Al-Kheder, voice
Ben Ragosin, oud (lute), guitar, voice
Berna Hascakir, voice
Dion Brocks, bass guitar, mandolin
Drew Price, kamanja (violin)
Elaheh Ahmadi, voice
Eran Landau, percussion
Esma Topal, voice
Kioumars Poorhaydari, tonbak
Kreisha Oro, percussion, voice
Leila Laouar, voice
Leslie Precht, percussion, voice
Maigan van der Giessen, percussion, mandolin
Martha Steenstrup, percussion, voice
Mehdi Samadi, voice
Michael Frishkopf, org (keyboard)
Mohsen Nicksiar, guitar
Nadir Bellahmer, kamanja (violin)
Niyati Dhokai, kamanja (violin)
Rana Al Kadi, tabla
Saba Salehyar, percussion, voice
Samira Elatia, voice
Soraya Hafez, voice
Steven Byrne, tabla
Vahapcan Er, baglama