austrian universities sign pledge supporting climate action

Universities in Austria have pledged their support of the Fridays for Future movement calling for the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement and global climate justice, according to a manifesto adopted by the uniko conference of Austrian university heads.

In the manifesto, institutions stress their role as pioneers and mentors who, on the basis of their extensive scientific expertise, can make a significant contribution to sustainable development. They see sustainability as a holistic, long-term concept for societal transformation that they seek to establish in research and teaching.

Austria’s universities are committed to “taking responsibility for sustainable action in teaching, research, knowledge exchange and university management in order to help shape the path to a sustainable and liveable society”, the universities pledged.

Universities, the manifesto states, make an active contribution to the responsible use of natural resources. In the development and operation of their campuses in areas such as energy consumption, investment and construction, procurement, waste management and mobility, they are guided by sustainability aspects.