Five Big Ideas – Energy Futures Lab Virtual Conference (May 15)

Friday May 15th from 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM MDT

Join Energy Futures Lab for a second solutions-oriented conversation about energy, climate and collaborative action.

The global economic crisis triggered by COVID-19, paired with an unexpected collapse in oil prices, has left industries across Canada reeling and looking for answers. The road towards economic recovery has yet to be defined and the impacts of this crisis have proved challenging. Despite the struggles that lay ahead, the Energy Futures Lab (EFL) has noted unique opportunities worth exploring. For years, a network of Alberta innovators and partner organizations have been identifying investment opportunities that leverage Alberta’s legacy assets while still working towards a future-fit energy system and economy.

EFL’s managing director, Alison Cretney and the lab’s lead animator Chad Park, highlighted some of these investment opportunities in a recently-published article. Five Big Ideas for Alberta’s Economic Recovery earned much attention within the community, so on April 16th we invited readers to join a virtual discussion around the topics raised in the article. The event filled up extremely quickly, so we’ve decided to host a second session and we invite anyone who is curious about the future of energy in Canada, regardless of their expertise, to join us.

We’ll gather as a virtual community to discuss these strategic investments and hear from seven of the EFL’s Fellows. Sean Collins, Alison Thompson, Bryan Helfenbaum, Liz Lappin, Maggie Hanna, Hossein Shahandeh and Greg Bennett offer a dynamic range of voices and expertise. Their combined knowledge pertaining to geothermal energy, Bitumen Beyond Combustion, lithium, hydrogen, and artificial intelligence, respectively, will leave you feeling inspired and energized.

In order to secure a spot and help us in planning, please register no later than May 13, 2020.