COP101 Info Series – Session #1 History of CoP

Next session: Friday, March 20, 9:30-11:30AM (MDT) @ 2-20A Cameron Library or Remotely at

The Kule Institute for Advanced Study and the Sustainability Council at the University of Alberta are co-sponsoring a three-part series on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change’s (UNFCCC) Convention of Parties (COP) meetings: (1) the history; (2) what happened last year at COP25 in Madrid; and (3) Art and Activism. Join us in person in 2-20A in the Cameron Library at the University of Alberta, or online via Zoom (link above), to hear experts and audience members discuss this, and more. There is no solution to the climate crisis without contributions from the majority of the global populations. Be part of the conversation.