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Winnipeg's Polish language newspapers and their attitude towards Jews and Ukrainians between the two World Wars

Winnipeg's Polish language newspapers and their attitude towards Jews and Ukrainians between the two World Wars
Minority studied
Jews; Polish; Ukrainians
This article studies the attitude expressed by Winnipeg's Polish language press towards Jews and Ukrainians in the period between World War I and World War II. Both the Catholic Gazette and Czas (Time) responded patriotically to attacks on Polish in Europe towards these minorities, particularly 1919-1921 and during the 1930s. In calmer times, the nationalist Catholic Gazette paid little attention to minorities in order to avoid publicizing disputes and to avoid praising political opponents in Poland. Czas supported the dominant Pilsudski movement in Poland in its approach to minority issues.
Although both newspapers discussed the minority situation at length in Poland, they rarely discussed the Jews and Ukrainians in Canada. This indicates that Polish-Canadians were primarily interested in defending Poland's reputation and had no other serious disputes with their fellow immigrants.
Stone, Daniel
Minority media language
Minority media type
Print media
Spatial Coverage
Temporal Coverage
Reference (APA style)
Stone, D. (1989). Winnipeg's Polish language newspapers and their attitude towards Jews and Ukrainians between the two World Wars. Canadian Ethnic Studies, 21, 27-37.
Minority media discussed
Catholic Gazette; Czas