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(Course outlines and schedules)
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'''The Ghana Program is scheduled for Summer 2013! <br> Dates: July 4 to August 11 2013.''' <br> '''9 credits (3 courses) in just 5+ weeks!'''<br>
'''This course will be available for credit in Winter 2022.''' Enroll using [https://www.beartracks.ualberta.ca/ Bear Tracks].
The course is not available in 2020-21.
Please contact us immediately if you are interested and we'll put you on our lists!  A [[Media:Ghana_brochure.pdf | program brochure]] is available.
If you are enrolled (or on a waitlist) be sure to [https://forms.gle/R6gVUC1hD5NdddnL9 fill out this form] prior to the first meeting.  The first meeting will be for consent, when I will ask everyone to sing or play something. Only those enrolled for credit need attend. The second meeting will be our first proper rehearsal.
The program is now scheduled to run with 10 students. If you'd like to join us, [mailto:Xiao.Zhang@ualberta.ca please contact us ASAP!].
Sign up for the '''[http://www.mailman.srv.ualberta.ca/mailman/listinfo/mename MENAME email list]'''.
<br> '''NEW: Scholarships are now available, $1250 per University of Alberta student, to the first 14 who apply. Alberta residents who are not UofA students will receive $750. See below and apply soon!'''
New members [[MENAME prospective students | click here]] for more information about the group. We meet in Studio 27, in the Fine Arts Building, Thursdays at 6:30 - those not taking the course for credit can generally come at 7pm. [https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/viewer?mid=1x6RfXWiHcvIw6DzghVTPBk6Ddow&ll=53.4173823883664%2C-113.5519028&z=11 Here's a map].
'''Contact [mailto:Xiao.Zhang@ualberta.ca Xiao Zhang] tel. (780) 492-1578 or [mailto:caroline.lawson@ualberta.ca Caroline Lawson] in [http://www.goabroad.ualberta.ca Education Abroad] or [mailto:goabroad@ualberta.ca email Education Abroad] or call +1 (780) 492-6040 for general inquiries regarding study abroad and the application process. Contact [mailto:michael.frishkopf@ualberta.ca Michael Frishkopf] for program content.  See 2010 information below for a representative set of course syllabi.'''
''Short URL for this page:  ''http://bit.ly/GhanaMusic''
= General information =
'''MENAME (Middle Eastern and North African Music Ensemble) (Music 148, 448, 548)'''<br>
This 9 credit summer study abroad program in Ghana, entitled '''"West African Music, Dance, Society, and Culture"''', comprises social science, humanities, and performing arts components, and is formally equivalent to three semester-long University of Alberta courses, ''available at both undergraduate and graduate levels''. '''There are no prerequisites for these courses, or for the program as a whole.'''
short URL for this page: ''http://bit.ly/MENAME'' or ''http://bit.ly/mename'' or "http://bit.ly/Mename"
The program aims to provide an international, life-transforming educational experience, grounded in study of music and dance (both traditional and popular), yet valuable to students enrolled in programs across arts, sciences, humanities, education, and social sciences.  The Ghana program offers a grounded global perspective relevant to a wide range of disciplines and career trajectories; previous years' students came from a diversity of faculties, including Arts/Social Sciences, Science, Education, Business, Nursing, and Pharmacy.  Thus studies of music and dance in Ghana are not intended as merely ends in themselves, but rather offer performative and participatory strategies for intercultural understanding, complemented by study of politics, history, religion, linguistics, literature, drama, economy, women's studies, and development--in the classroom, on the road, and in the field.
= Overview =
Formally the program includes three courses, of 3 credits each:
The University of Alberta Middle Eastern and North African Music Ensemble (MENAME) is a University of Alberta course and a community group for the study and performance of music from Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Berber, Hebrew, Nubian, Kurdish, Armenian, and other musical-linguistic communities of the Middle East and North Africa, as well as fusions thereof. Our aim is to learn and appreciate these musical traditions, to use music as a gateway towards broader intercultural understanding, and as a means of forming and maintaining a harmonious intercultural musical community here in Edmonton, bridging all divisions, especially those of ethnicity, nationality, language, and religion.  The course combines academic and performance components. Our repertoire covers various gamuts, from specialized "high art" to participatory folk, from local to regional, from old to new. Besides studying pieces from the region (mostly songs), we also focus on regional musical concepts (tonal and rhythmic) in theory and practice, through a series of in-class exercises developing the ears in new directions.
* '''West African Music Ensemble''' (Music 144/244, 544).  A practicum developing basic skills required for performance and understanding of traditional Ghanaian music, song, and dance, including music of the Ga, Asanti, and other groups, but with a special focus upon Ewe music traditions of the Volta Region. Includes study on the University of Ghana campus, in a traditional Ewe village, and in various locations throughout Ghana. ''Note: if you require non-junior credit you can substitute 244 for 144.''
The group gathers diverse members: musicians interested in traditions of the region; university students studying the region's culture, society and history; members of language communities; and anyone else who wishes to participate. MENAME was founded by director Michael Frishkopf in 2005 as the Arab Music Group; its scope has gradually expanded to include the Middle East and North Africa.  
* '''Introduction to Ethnomusicology:  The ethnomusicology of Ghanaian music and dance''' (Music 365, 565) Scholarly study of traditional and popular performance of Ghana, treating the form and meaning of traditional music and dance in cultural contexts, linking music and social identity, and reading Ghanaian culture, politics, history, and religion through music.  The music, culture, society, and history of the Ewes will be included, so as to harmonize with the other two coursesThe course culminates with the practical experience of doing ethnomusicology in Dagbamete.
Technically the course is listed under University of Alberta's "open studies" program, and thus is accessible to anyone who wants to enrollAnd everyone interested is encouraged to do so. Neither musical training, nor knowledge of musical notation, nor the ability to play an instrument, nor fluency in regional languages is a prerequisiteAll I ask is that you make a firm commitment to the group for one full year, and participate with energy and enthusiasm.
* '''West African culture, language, and society''' (Middle Eastern and African Studies 300, 500)This course comprises a multidisciplinary investigation of West African culture (possibly including study of literature, linguistics, anthropology, sociology, history, political science, religious studies, economics, or other disciplines), plus a practical introduction to the Ewe language, in conversation and through its oral literary tradition.
These three courses continue in parallel throughout three program components, of roughly 10-12 days each:  (1) ''classroom study'' at the [http://www.ug.edu.gh/ University of Ghana's beautiful Legon campus], on the outskirts of Ghana's capital, Accra; (2) ''travel'' throughout Ghana, with attention to natural, historical and cultural landmarks, and varied opportunities to observe and study music and dance; (3) ''cultural immersion'' in a small Ewe village ([http://www.dagbamete.net/ Dagbamete]) located in southeastern Ghana, with opportunities for fieldwork and intensive study of music, dance, and language.  
Besides regular meetings, there are also various occasions to perform in public. Minimally, I expect all group members to participate in the final concert (see performances link, below).
''Music and dance performance is central, but no musical experience or talent is required to succeed (only a willingness to try!), and '''there are no prerequisites for any of the three courses'''.'' In 2007 and 2008, [[Optional long-weekend field trips | long-weekend field trips]] provided additional musical-cultural perspectives. Starting in 2009 we rolled several of these trips into a single continuous week of travel. Field trips typically include visits to Cape Coast, Elmina, Kakum, Kumasi, Tamale, and [http://wikitravel.org/en/Mole_National_Park Mole National Park] where it is possible to view a wide assortment of wildlife. We undertake 2-3 day drumming and dancing workshops in many places we visit, such as Kokrobite, Kumasi, and Tamale, focussing on local musical culture (Ga, Asante, and Dagomba, respectively).
The course provides 3 course weights per semester and combines performance and academics, the latter including:
* readings and films
* weekly short lectures, films or analytical listening
* a midterm and final, including performance  and academic components
In our more sedentary moments, we'll be studying primarily on the beautiful Legon campus of the University of Ghana (Legon is a suburb of Accra, and a bit cooler too, where the rolling inland hills begin) and in the Volta-region village of Dagbamete, approximately two weeks in each location.
= Meeting place and time =
Here's a [http://maps.google.ca/maps/ms?hl=en&geocode=&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=108906578218077644238.000466c231101f447cd3d&z=7 map] on which you can find many of the places we'll visit: Legon, Accra, Kokrobite, Cape Coast, Kakum, Kumasi, Tamle (in the north). Kokrobite is around 80 kilos west of Accra. Elmina and Kakum are short drives from Cape Coast.  In the Volta Region:  Akatsi (a few kilos from our village, Dagbamete), and Ho,  the capital of the Volta Region.
We meet every Thursday evening, fall and winter terms, usually from 6:30 to 9:30 pm (but sometimes we start later, or end earlier - join the [http://www.mailman.srv.ualberta.ca/mailman/listinfo/mename mailing list] to be in the know), in [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1x6RfXWiHcvIw6DzghVTPBk6Ddow&usp=sharing Studio 27], Fine Arts Building (FAB) of the University of Alberta campus (between the Timms centre and HUB mall, and next to the bus stop). [https://drive.google.com/open?id=1x6RfXWiHcvIw6DzghVTPBk6Ddow&usp=sharing Studio 27] is just north of the FAB central stairwell, on the second floor. It's on your left as you cross the breezeway from HUB mall to FAB. All are welcome!
For a program brochure, please  [[Media:Ghana_brochure.pdf | click here]].
To communicate with past or prospective participants, join our '''[http://www.facebook.com/groups/edit.php?members&new&saved&gid=57104916344#/group.php?gid=57104916344 Facebook group]
[https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/1/viewer?mid=1x6RfXWiHcvIw6DzghVTPBk6Ddow MAP of key locations (Studio 27, Convocation Hall, etc.)]
[[Preparing for the Ghana program | Here are some guidelines and lists to help you prepare for travel]].
= For prospective members =
= '''2013 program and application procedures'''=
'''[[MENAME prospective students]]''' click here.
== Schedule ==
= For members =
''Please note: you must arrive on July 4 or before, and you must not leave until August 11 at the earliest.'' Extensions outside these dates are fine, and in fact encouraged; many students find post-program travel especially rewarding, as they know the lay of the land and how to traverse it, and have made good friends who become suitable travel companions besides.   If you're interested in specific kinds of travel or study in West Africa please let us know and we can help you make suitable arrangements. Typically it's also possible to make stop-overs in Europe or elsewhere, often at no extra cost.
Modify subscriptions to our '''[http://www.mailman.srv.ualberta.ca/mailman/listinfo/mename MENAME email list]'''<br>
Join our '''[http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.php?gid=23675020746 MENAME Facebook group]''' (Note: log into Facebook before clicking)
The following schedule is somewhat tentative (pending information about local events; for instance, we may try to rearrange so as to be in Kumasi for the Eid festival on August 8.), except for beginning and end dates.
== Course outlines and schedules ==
July 4 - arrive in Ghana (you must be in Accra by July 4; you may wish to arrive earlier and travel or study on your own before the program begins)<br>
[https://www.artsrn.ualberta.ca/ccewiki/index.php/MENAME_course_outline_Winter_2022 Click here for the winter 2022 course outline]
July 5 - program begins with orientation at 10:30 am (meet at the Guest Centre restaurant, followed by lunch, a campus tour, and security overview. <br>
July 6 - Accra tour<br>
July 7 - morning church and fieldwork; possible outing to Ashaiman in afternoon<br>
July 8-11  - week 1 (4 days) of classes at UG<br>
July 12-14 - long weekend at Kokrobite<br>
July 15-18  - week 2 (4 days) of classes at UG<br>
July 19-21 - long weekend at Cape Coast<br>
July 22-23- two days of UG classes (perhaps culminating in a party if resources allow...)<br>
July 24-July 31 - Ghana tour (Kumasi, Tamale, Mole):  Wed to Wed, by bus<br>
Aug 1 - Aug 11 Dagbamete immersion:  Thurs to Sun, following week to Saturday (stop at [http://www.ghanaemberlin.de/en/tourism/festivals/festival-in-the-greater-accra-region/index.html Asafotufiam Festival], east of Accra, en route)<br>
Aug 11:  program ends Sunday Aug 11 (you must not depart Ghana before this date; you may however opt to stay longer, and travel in Ghana or beyond)<br>
[https://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=opacoem9jtkbqqe4a8n2k6stb4%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/Edmonton Tentative Google calendar] (still subject to revision as of 15 April 2013!).
[https://www.artsrn.ualberta.ca/ccewiki/index.php/MENAME_course_outline_Winter_2020 Click here for the winter 2020 course outline]
== Travel, Health, and other preparations for travel ==
[https://www.artsrn.ualberta.ca/ccewiki/index.php/MENAME_course_outline_Winter_2019 Click here for the winter 2019 course outline]
* Students are responsible for their own travel arrangements to Ghana.  Costs differ dramatically depending on point of origin, and many students like to arrive early or depart late, in order to facilitate additional travel in Ghana. Rather than organize students as a single posse, everyone normally makes his or her own travel arrangements.  Routing is usually via Europe, though some direct flights may depart from the USA. The University of Ghana assists in transporting students from the airport to their lodgings on the day before the program begins. If enough students plan to travel together from Edmonton we may be able to make group travel arrangements.  
* Vaccinations and a Visa are required for travel to Ghana.
* See '''[[Preparing for the Ghana program]]''' for lots of advice.
== Syllabi ==
[https://www.artsrn.ualberta.ca/ccewiki/index.php/MENAME_course_outline_Winter_2018 Click here for the winter 2018 course outline]
Syllabi are still somewhat tentative due to possible changes in travel and lecturer schedules. Expect lots of small changes as we develop the program details. However the big picture will not change, and you can begin to gather the required readings, listenings, and viewings now.
[http://bit.ly/mename16F Click here for the fall 2016 course outline]
[[Ghana 2013 syllabi]]
[https://www.artsrn.ualberta.ca/ccewiki/index.php?title=MENAME_course_outline_Winter_2016 Click here for the winter 2016 course outline]
[[MENAME assignments and class schedule 2012 | Click here for the fall 2012 course outline]]
== Projected costs ==
== Repertoire ==
''Basic costs:'' (NB: these are 2012 estimates, to be revised in the coming weeks - but the program is essentially the same)
'''[[MENAME repertoire | MENAME repertoire, by year (INCLUDING CURRENT REPERTOIRE) ]]'''
* University of Alberta tuition (9 credits, 3 courses): $1,894.87 CAD (for Canadian citizens or permanent residents; [mailto:Xiao.Zhang@ualberta.ca inquire] for other statuses)<br>
[http://www.fwalive.ualberta.ca/~michaelf/MENAME/NEE%20UCLA%20tapes%20-%20mp3s/ Near Eastern Ensemble tapes] (located off-wiki)
* Instructional support fee (covers all room and board during village stay, plus all field trip travel and workshops/performances, plus University of Ghana affiliation fee covering campus services such as internet and library): $800.00 CAD<br>
* Room at University of Ghana and hotels during field trips (village stay is covered by your instructional support fee; see above): Approx. $415.00 CAD<br>
* Board throughout, except during village stay (where food is covered by your instructional support fee): Approx. $442.00 CAD (note: it's certainly possible to economize here)<br>
* Education Abroad Application Fee: $250.00 CAD<br>
* '''Program Total: Approx. $3,801.87 CAD not including airfare''' (for Canadian citizens or permanent residents; [mailto:Xiao.Zhang@ualberta.ca inquire] for other statuses)<br>
[[Repertoire content]] (located on-wiki)
* Students are  responsible for additional costs, including visa fees, vaccinations, medications (malaria medication is essential), medical insurance, books (most readings are electronic), supplies, gifts, entertainment and other incidental expenses.
* Airfare is considerably cheaper if you can arrange to fly out of a major hub (e.g. Toronto, NYC). You may also wish to economize by combining this trip with travel elsewhere, via stopovers in Europe, Cairo, etc., before or after the program.
* An additional $500 CAD in spending money is recommended.<br>
* As a very rough but conservative estimate for room/board, I generally budget around $25/day for both.  Sometimes room is more and board less, and sometimes vice versa, but it's not a bad figure to keep in mind.  (For instance, the University of Ghana charges students USD$13/night double occupancy. You can get a very decent breakfast for $2, lunch for $4, dinner $6. Of course you might eat in an expensive restaurant occasionally, but not always...)
* '''Scholarships ($1250 per student) are available on a first-come first-served basis. Only 14 are available, so apply soon!'''. See below...
== Student support: scholarships and loans ==
[[Suggested repertoire | Suggestion box]].  Please feel free to add...
* The 2013 West African Music, Dance, Society, and Culture program in Ghana has been approved for funding under the 2013 Group Education Abroad Award funding competition. Up to 14 full-time UofA students are guaranteed to receive $1,250 each  in scholarship funding, to support of their participation in the West African Music, Dance, Society, and Culture program.
[[Middle Eastern Dance pieces]]
* '''NEW''' The program has also been approved to receive CAGFIL (Campus Alberta Grant For International Learning) funding.  Every Albertan who is not a full-time UofA student is nevertheless eligible to receive a $750 scholarship.
* ''Loans''. Students may also qualify for student loans.<br>
== MENAME performance programs: past and present ==
== Eligibility, Credits, Transfers and non-UofA students ==
Links contain schedules; each performance is linked to its program.
The program is open to all adults (i.e. you must be at least 18 years old to enroll).
'''[[MENAME Final performance Winter 2019]]'''
The program comprises 3 UofA courses. These will appear on transcripts for UofA students like any other course. They will receive 9 course credits that may apply towards their programs.
'''[https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ssp3fW6qEXihbAg1BxQ1g4GV-43Y6TSf Performance Winter 2018]'''<br>
Non-University of Alberta students can also enroll. In order to do so, they must first enroll in [https://www.registrar.ualberta.ca/ro.cfm?id=33 University of Alberta open studies], prior to enrollment in the program.  Non-University of Alberta students are responsible for ensuring that program credit transfers to their home institution and programs, if desired. They can receive official transcripts from the University of Alberta documenting completion of the program.
'''[[Announcements Fall 2012| Performances (Fall 2012)]]''' <br>
''Note that the Open Studies 6 course weight limit does not apply to this program.  You will be enrolled in a total of 9 course weights (= 3 courses) for the summer term.''
'''[[Announcements 2011-012|Performances (2011-12)]]'''<br>
'''[[Announcements 2010-011|Performances (2010-11)]]'''<br>
'''[[Announcements 2009-010|Performances (2009-10)]]'''<br>
== Application process ==
'''[[Announcements 2008-09|Performances (2008-09)]]'''
You need to meet with a study abroad advisor by March 2 to complete the Summer Abroad Application. Contact [mailto:Xiao.Zhang@ualberta.ca Xiao Zhang], (780) 492-1578.
== For more info...==
'''[[Announcements 2007-08|Performances (2007-08)]]'''
Have questions? Please read over materials for 2010 below, as 2012's will closely resemble them. Still have questions?  Please contact [mailto:Xiao.Zhang@ualberta.ca Xiao Zhang] (780) 492-1578 in Education Abroad for inquiries regarding study abroad, and [mailto:michael.frishkopf@ualberta.ca Michael Frishkopf] for inquiries regarding program content, or visit [http://www.goabroad.ualberta.ca Education Abroad].
[[Waslas | Other past concert programs]]
= Past programs, testimonials.... =
= Videos and audios online =  
Those considering attending in 2013 might like to examine programs for previous years, below.
[https://vimeo.com/album/5882561 Vimeo collection] (password: emanem)
2008-2010 groups carried out original field research in a Ghanaian village. Read the results of our study here: 
[https://vimeo.com/24799010 At the Winspear]
'''[[Musical Change in Dagbamete | Music and change in Dagbamete]]'''
Here's a [[Media:Nursing.pdf | testimonial]] from a 2008 summer student enrolled in the University of Alberta's Faculty of Nursing (click and scroll down a bit...).
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbas8HeTEak&t=245s  A night (mainly) in Tunisia!] (the 2018 MENAME concert)
Student blogs from Summer 2009:
[https://soundcloud.com/uofamusic/sets/2014-15-review-for-ckua/s-jMbnJ Soundcloud concerts]
[http://jillfulton-3rsghana.blogspot.com/ Jill]
= Other online resources =
== MENAME recordings ==
[http://agbenyega.blogspot.com/ Ellis]
[[YouTube videos]] of MENA area songs
[http://andreaaughana.blogspot.com/ Andrea]
Performances by MENAME:
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ke-IndJ9Nm0 Benefit for Edmonton Interfaith, Jan 31, 2016]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z87_jOQPex0 Fall sampler 2013]
...and Summer 2010:
==  Regional music links (with audio, notations, bios, etc.) ==
[http://kendrawenttoghana.blogspot.com/ Kendra]
[[Arab music URLs]]
[http://courtneywenttoghana.blogspot.com/2010/09/kejite-market-in-kumasi.html  Courtney]
[[Turkish music URLs]]
[http://nick-studyabroadghana.blogspot.com/ Nick]
[[Iranian music URLS]]
[http://kenziegoes.blogspot.com/ Kenzie]
[[Kurdish music URLs]]
[http://katdanser.wordpress.com/ Kat]
[[Israeli music URLs]]
[http://roscoghana.blogspot.com/ Ross]
[[Dance URLs]]
== Theory, ear training, practica ==
Browse photos from previous programs here:
=== MENA music theory and practice ===
[[Experiencing Ghana, summer 2007]]
MENA = Middle East and North Africa...what follows are the relevant links for music theory.
[[Experiencing Ghana, summer 2008]]
[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1cJa88-6I1cfQT6P7DP7plCqyWn0CoSCd?usp=sharing Michael's resources]:  PDF files providing basic maqamat and iqa`at (rhythms) for Arab music of Egypt/Levant (with a separate folder for Maghrib)
= 2010 program and application procedures =
[http://www.maqamworld.com MaqamWorld]: extensive treatment of maqamat, instruments, forms, and iqa`at (durub) (for Egypt and the Levant only)
[https://offtonic.com/theory/book/7-9.html Offtonic presentation of Arabic music theory]
The 2010 programs ran from July 1 to August 8.  
[http://maqamlessons.com/ Maqam Lessons]:  an excellent theoretical overview, with practical lessons and illustrative analyses
'''The original application deadline, March 15, has been extended,''' as the program is currently underenrolled. If you plan to go, please contact Caroline Lawson immediately and no later than the week of April 12.
[http://www.alsiadi.com/maqamat.html Alsiadi maqamat]
[http://www.khafif.com/rhy/ Ja's Middle Eastern Rhythms]:  detailed treatment of rhythms (you'll find dozens!) featuring a [http://www.khafif.com/rhy/rhygen.html remarkable MIDI rhythm generator] that will play any rhythm notated using special symbols to indicate the various drum strokes
'''For applications, contact [mailto:caroline.lawson@ualberta.ca Caroline Lawson], caroline.lawson@ualberta.ca.
[http://www.shira.net/advice/learning/zills-44.htm Finger cymbal patterns]
Tel: 780 492 6215
Fax: 780 492 6213'''
== Schedule ==
[http://babayagamusic.com/Music/oriental-dance-rhythm-diagrams-and-descriptions.htm Rhythms]
Anticipated program dates in Ghana are Friday July 2nd (you must arrive in Ghana by Thursday July 1 or earlier) to Saturday August 7th, inclusive (you must not depart Ghana before August 8th).  Our tentative schedule:
[https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1KoxrTDYG0VBM-MEJpnJ1Cn_Tt4ojrdVw&ll=25.83264822920758%2C34.79211332712407&z=4 Maqam places]. The word maqam can mean:  a literary genre, a saint's shrine, a musical mode, or a place or rank. And in fact many maqam names come from places. This map shows some of them.  (Others -- along with the names of scale degrees -- are derived from the Persian numbers, coming ultimately from Indo-European:  yek, doh, se, chehar...)
* Thursday, July 1:  arrival in Accra (unless you've elected to spend some time in Ghana before the program starts); move into International Student Hostel dorms at the University of Ghana, Legon
=== Western music theory training ===
* Friday, July 2:  meet at University of Ghana Guest Center (11 am) for meeting and greeting, program overview, lunch, campus orientation and tour
* Saturday, July 3:  Accra tour
* Sunday, July 4: fieldwork in church; lecture on benevolent (funeral) associations; fieldtrip to Ashaiaman to participate in a funeral association performance by Afife (ageshe/adzida music)
* Monday, July 5 - Thursday, July 8:  4 days classes at University of Ghana (Legon). Possible excursion Thursday afternoon.
* Friday, July 9 - Sunday, July 11:  3 days - Buduburam refugee camp research, and Kokrobite musical beach adventure (30 km from Accra)
* Monday, July 12 - Thursday, July 15: 4 days classes at University of Ghana (Legon). Possible excursion Thursday afternoon.
* Friday, July 16 - Sunday, July 18:  3 days: Cape Coast, Elmina, and Kakum forest tour (historical and ecological), about a 2-3 hour drive from Legon.  Fante and Congolese popular musics.
* Monday, July 19 - Tuesday, July 20: 2 days classes at University of Ghana (Legon).
* Wednesday, July 21 - Wednesday, July 28:  8 day tour to Kumasi and Tamale, including lectures and workshops in both locations. Optional excursion to Mole National Park (wildlife).
* Thursday, July 29 - Saturday, August 7:  10 day Dagbamete village stay (cultural immersion, fieldwork, and intensive music/dance instruction), culminating with final performance and party on August 6
* Saturday August 7: free day - wrap up your research, say your goodbyes...
* Sunday August 8: depart Dagbamete for airport (transportation included) or further travel in Ghana
In sum, we'll stay in the University of Ghana hostel from the evening of July 1 to the morning of July 21, then travel around Ghana, and return for one more night at the hostel on July 28), before departing for Dagbamete the morning of the 29th.  (During our Ghana travel you can leave your bags locked at the hostel for a small fee.)
[http://musictheory.net/ introductory music theory], simple introduction to Western music notation, for those who'd like to learn.
'''Note that you must schedule your air travel so as to arrive in Accra by the evening of July 1, and must not leave Ghana before August 8.''' However you are certainly encouraged to extend your stay beyond the end of the formal program; many students did so in 2009, while others wished they had! (it wasn't always possible to extend the ticket later, as summer is "high season"). Or you may prefer to arrive in Ghana ''before'' the program starts, in order to do some traveling on your own. In that case you'll still move into the dorms on July 1st, and meet us on campus on the morning of July 2. If you want to avail yourself of pre-paid transportation to and from the airport, you should arrive on the evening of July 1, and depart in the late afternoon on July 8. However transport to and from the airport is not difficult to arrange.
[http://www.teoria.com Tutorials in music theory]:  more advanced training in Western music notation and music theory.
== Preparation ==  
=== Instruments ===
[[Preparing for the Ghana program | Here are some guidelines and lists to help you prepare for travel]].
[https://oudmigrations.com/ Oud Migrations]
Unless you're bringing a laptop (a good idea if you can swing it) or e-reader (you can read pdf's on Kindle), you should print out online reading assignments prior to departure.
[https://issuu.com/elmasrylatif/docs/encyclopedia_of_the_nay_in_egypt All about the nay (reed flute)]
== Syllabi ==
[http://www.georgedimitrisawa.com/the-qanun George Sawa's qanun (plucked zither) page]
Note: syllabi for the current year will resemble these.
[http://www.oudforguitarists.com/ Oud for Guitarists], a site designed to teach oud and Arab music to guitarists
[[Ghana 2010 syllabi]]
[https://danielpaulschnee.wordpress.com/2017/08/07/saxophone-quarter-tone-charts/ Microtonal saxophone fingerings from Dan Schnee]
== Undergraduate and graduate credit ==
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCX6Aq5AEd4 Amazing "oriental" piano style performed by Magdi al-Husseini]
'''Please note that the program is available for both undergraduate and graduate credit'''.  At the undergraduate level you will enroll in: Music 144 (or 244, 344, 444 depending on whether you've taken this course, West African Music Ensemble, before), Music 365 (Introduction to Ethnomusicology, and MEAS 300 (Middle Eastern and African Studies).  At the graduate level you will enroll in: Music 544 (West African Music Ensemble), Music 565 (Area Studies in Ethnomusicology), MEAS 500 (Topic in Middle Eastern and African Studies).  The latter two courses emphasize advanced, critical reading, independent field research, and ethnomusicological analysis and writing.  Students pursuing an MA in ethnomusicology could use these courses to develop a corpus of research and knowledge sufficient for the preparation of an MA thesis, or simply to develop a secondary area of ethnomusicological expertise.
=== Tuning ===
== Scholarships ==
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A440_(pitch_standard) A440 tuning fork]
Albertan students will each receive a $750 scholarship from the government of Alberta, up to 14 scholarships total. It is not yet clear whether scholarships are available for other students; you are encouraged to seek out sources of funding from your own institution, province, or state.
[https://www.alexdemartos.es/wtuner/ Microphone tuner] (use it to practice singing quartertones!)
== Transfers and non-UofA students ==
=== Ear work ===
The program is open to all adults (i.e. you must be at least 18 years old to enroll).
The program comprises 3 UofA courses, and UofA students can enroll in these and receive credits that may apply towards their programs.
Non-University of Alberta students must enroll in [https://www.registrar.ualberta.ca/ro.cfm?id=33 University of Alberta open studies] prior to enrollment in the program.
and this new one :  http://www.meludia.com/en/
Non-University of Alberta students are responsible for ensuring that credit transfers to their home institution and program.
''Note that the Open Studies 6 course weight limit does not apply to this program.  You will be enrolled in a total of 9 course weights (= 3 courses) for the summer term.''
=== Transliterating Middle Eastern / North African languages ===
== Costs ==
[https://ijmes.chass.ncsu.edu/docs/TransChart.pdf  International Journal of Middle East Studies standard]
'''Approximate costs in 2010 (subject to change depending on enrollments):'''
==== Arabic ====
* Education Abroad application fee
* Fees for visa
* Cost of vaccines, medicines (anti-malarial is a must)
* Books, supplies, clothing, equipment, etc.
* Tuition for Canadian students for the 3 courses : $1743.56 (more for International students) [paid in advance]
* Program fee (includes Dagbamete room/board and transportation, Internet use on campus, airport pickup, certain workshops): $750  [paid in advance]
* Housing on campus (July 1 - 20): approx $300  [paid in advance]
* Food during campus portion of trip (July 1 - 20): approx. $200 [paid individually in Ghana]
* Ghana tour (transport, food, lodging, activities):  approx. $250 [paid individually in Ghana]
* Flight: around $2600 from Edmonton to Accra, significantly less from eastern Canada or US.  Note that it may cost significantly less to purchase multiple roundtrip tickets with a stopover in Europe, but in this case you should leave a day or more between flights to ensure connections. [arranged and paid individually]
* Long weekend fieldtrips (two excursions):  about $100 each, or $200 total (most students won't want to miss these) [paid individually in Ghana]
* Optional spending money for souvenirs, clothing, drums (a drum costs about $50, and can be brought home as an extra bag), excursions, gifts....
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanization_of_Arabic Summary of Romanization standards]
* Room and board during fieldtrips is figured at $25/day.  These are conservative figures. In Ghana, it is possible to procure a satisfying meal for under $2 and lodging will often be $5/night or even less. But in some situations (e.g. the wonderful restaurant at Kokrobite, where dinner will be about $12, or the Guest Center on campus, where a meal's about $5), costs will be higher.
* ATMs are plentiful in Ghana's larger cities, and on the campus, so you need not bring a lot of cash.  Please see [http://www.fwalive.ualberta.ca/mediawiki/index.php?title=Preparing_for_the_Ghana_program#Financial advice on financial preparations].
= 2009 program and application procedures =
== 2009 schedule ==
Following your '''arrival in Ghana by Thursday July 2''', the 2009 program will commence on Friday July 3, lasting a total of 33 days until its conclusion on August 3 (departure August 4), including  3 days of orientation (July 3-5), 8 days of classroom lectures (July 6-9, July 13-16), 12 days of travel throughout Ghana (July 10-12, July 17-24), and 10 days' residence in a small Ewe-speaking Ghanaian village (Dagbamete), located in Ghana's Volta Region, for field study and musical/linguistic/cultural immersion (July 25-Aug 3).  Unless you've made other arrangements, you'll be leaving Dagbamete on August 4th, and can catch a flight in the afternoon or evening on that day if you wish.  It's also possible to arrange to stay in Dagbamete longer, or to spend time touring elsewhere in Ghana if you wish.  But '''please do not plan to leave Ghana before August 4th.'''
The Ghana portion of the program will be shorter in 2009 than in 2008, but will provide the same number of credits.  You are welcome to plan your trip as you like, arriving before the program begins, or remaining in Ghana afterward, in order to extend your stay.  Because the Ghana portion is shorter, I will assign some readings for you to complete before your arrival in Ghana.  Feel free to do these assignments at any time before the program commences.
[[Media:Ghana_2009_schedule.pdf | Click here for 2009 schedule]]
== Preparation for Ghana ==
[[Preparing for the Ghana program | Here are some guidelines and lists to help you prepare for travel]].
Unless you're bringing a computer or e-reader, you should print out online reading assignments prior to departure.
== 2009 Program syllabi ==
[[Ghana 2009 syllabi | Here are the syllabi for 2009.]]
Because the Ghana portion of the program is shorter than last year, you will be expected to complete a number of reading assignments prior to travel.  Please take note of readings on the syllabi that you should complete before the program begins, namely:
* [http://www.fwalive.ualberta.ca/mediawiki/index.php?title=Ghana_2009_syllabi#Before_July_2.2C_please_read_the_following Pre-trip readings for Music 365/565]
* [http://www.fwalive.ualberta.ca/mediawiki/index.php?title=Ghana_2009_syllabi#Before_July_2.2C_please_do_the_following Pre-trip readings and other activities for MEAS 300/500]
You will prepare final papers after returning from Ghana - papers will be due at the end of August.
For now, please learn to locate all the countries of Africa and their capitals using [http://www.lizardpoint.com/fun/geoquiz/afrquiz.html this interactive map quiz for countries], and [http://www.lizardpoint.com/fun/geoquiz/afrcapquiz.html this one for capitals].
== 2009 Costs and scholarships ==
'''[[Ghana program costs in 2009]]'''
'''Scholarships are available!'''
Fifteen $1,000 scholarship awards are available to early applicants from Canada, with priority to UofA students. Ready to apply?  Complete the [http://www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/uai_educationabroad/pdfs/Award-SummerGhanaMusicology-Application.pdf application]. (Note: the application says these grants are only for UofA students, but in fact you can obtain a scholarship even if you're not a UofA student. It's just that UofA students have priority.)
[http://www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/uai_prospective/isspscholarships.cfm $2,250 scholarships are available for International students] (including  students from the USA).
= African Arts and Culture resources =
== General info on Africa ==
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiAfrica WikiAfrica]
[http://library.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/ Africa South of the Sahara] (Stanford University)
[http://www.africa-union.org/ Africa Union]
[http://www.aluka.org Aluka] (log in via your university library site; if it's not available request a subscription)
[http://afripod.aodl.org/ Africa Past and Present] podcast
[http://www.africaknowledgeproject.org African Knowledge Project], including a set of journals
[http://anth.alexanderstreet.com.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/view/1677555 A History of the African People] by Robert W. July (Long Grove IL : Waveland Press, Inc., 1998). 724 page(s)
[http://anth.alexanderstreet.com.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/view/1679677 Africa & Africans] by Paul Bohannan and Philip Curtin (Long Grove, IL : Waveland Press, Inc., 1964). 316 page(s)
[http://africanactivist.msu.edu/ African Activist Archive Project]
[http://www.africaportal.org/ Africa Portal]
[http://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/verba-africana/ African languages and oral literatures]
[http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/africa/features/storyofafrica/index.shtml The Story of Africa] (produced by the BBC)
[http://referenceworks.brillonline.com.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/browse/african-studies-companion-online Brill's African Studies Companion]
[http://www.unesco.org/new/en/culture/themes/dialogue/general-and-regional-histories/general-history-of-africa/volumes General History of Africa] (also in [http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/culture/themes/dialogue/general-and-regional-histories/general-history-of-africa/volumes French)
[http://www.slavevoyages.org/tast/index.faces The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database], with information on more than 35,000 slave voyages
== General info on Ghana ==
[http://www.ghana.travel/ghana/festivals/ Ghana festivals]
[http://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/tourism/festivals.php more Ghana festivals]
[http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/ghtoc.html Library of Congress country study]
[http://policy-practice.oxfam.org.uk/publications/ghana-125817 Ghana], by Rachel Naylor (Oxfam Country Study series)
[https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/gh.html CIA World Factbook]
[http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/2860.htm US Dept of State]
[http://www.statsghana.gov.gh/ Ghana Statistical Service]
[http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/country_profiles/1023355.stm BBC]
[http://topics.nytimes.com/top/news/international/countriesandterritories/ghana/index.html NYT]
[http://www.kidon.com/media-link/gh.php Ghana news and media]
[http://www.touringghana.com/ Ghana tourism]
[http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/march/6/newsid_2515000/2515459.stm Ghana Independence Day]
[http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/09/travel/09ghana.html New York Times travel section article about Ghana] (August 9, 2009)
[http://www.let.leidenuniv.nl/verba-africana/ewe/main.htm Ewe stories]
[http://lit.alexanderstreet.com.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/blfi/view/1000063401 The Ewe Speaking Peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa], by A. B. Ellis.
== Music of West Africa and beyond ==
[http://library.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/africa/music.html?newwindow=true African music on the Internet]
[http://www.africaknowledgeproject.org/index.php/amd African Music Database]
[http://www.ghanaexpo.com/ Ghana Expo] - includes music, TV, films, and more...
[http://www.ghanamusic.com/ Ghana Music]
[http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=E263225CF557A2EB My youtube playlist]
[http://www.uni-hildesheim.de/ntama/ Ntama: Journal of African Music and Popular Culture]
[http://www.musicinghana.com/ Music in Ghana] [http://www.musicinghana.com/migsite/index.php]
[http://music.thinkghana.com/ Music news in Ghana]
[http://www.ghanabase.com/ Ghanabase]
[http://www.ghanamusic.co.uk/ Music videos]
[http://www.hiplifelovers.com/ Hiplife]
Wikipedia articles on [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music_of_Ghana Ghana], and [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_African_music  West Africa] (limited, but good for links)
[http://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/audio/ Ghana web music]
[http://www.ghanamv.com/ Ghana music videos]
[http://www.afromix.org/html/musique/pays/ghana/index.en.html Afromix]
[http://www.museke.com/ghana Music lyrics]
[http://worldmusic.nationalgeographic.com/view/page.basic/country/content.country/ghana_19 National Geographic World Music Guide]
[http://www.dagaramusic.com/ Dagara xylophone music center] outside Accra
[http://www.bbc.co.uk/music/reviews/q6gb Hiplife compilation (BBC review)]
[http://musc265.blogs.wesleyan.edu/african-hip-hop/ African hip hop]
[http://library.brown.edu/cds/koetting/ James Koetting Ghana Field Recording Collection at Brown University]
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCmsLzFibI4 Asafo][http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG_OMhqS3Lc]
== African American and Africana studies ==
[[W.E.B. DuBois]]
Frederick Douglass
Booker T Washington
[[Marcus Garvey]]
Martin Luther King
Claudia Jones
John Henrik Clarke
Ida B Wells
Ella Baker
== Film: Africa, West Africa, Diaspora, and related ==
Note:  Some of these links may not work without logging in first.  For Films on Demand (http://digital.films.com) you can access from anywhere by visiting the UofA Library site and searching for database: "Films on Demand", then search for the title you wish to screen. You can also create an account allowing you to login directly to digital.films.com. All titles are provided below.
=== Overviews of African history===
Basil Davidson's acclaimed BBC Africa series [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Po1RGmzfnNY&feature=plcp  part 1] [http://www.youtube.com/user/sonofisis?feature=watch other episodes]
[http://dickinsg.intrasun.tcnj.edu/films/videos.html Overviews of three major documentary series by Basil Davidson, Ali Mazrui, and Henry Louis Gates]
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=39458&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=Africa%20Calling:%20An%20Appeal%20for%20Understanding&IsSearch=N&parentSeriesID=15653 Africa calling]
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=36129&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=Journeys%20into%20Islamic%20Africa&IsSearch=N&parentSeriesID= Journeys into Islamic Africa]
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=31941&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=African%20Art&IsSearch=N&parentSeriesID= African Art]
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=43767&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=West%20Africa&IsSearch=N&parentSeriesID=19830 West Africa]
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=3077&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=The%20Glories%20of%20Ancient%20Benin&IsSearch=N&parentSeriesID= The Glories of Ancient Benin]
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=41675&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=Great%20Empires%20of%20the%20Past:%20Core%20Concepts%20Video%20Clip%20Library&IsSearch=Y&parentSeriesID=# Medieval West Africa]
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=41675&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=Great%20Empires%20of%20the%20Past:%20Core%20Concepts%20Video%20Clip%20Library&IsSearch=Y&parentSeriesID=# Ancient Ghana]
[http://digital.films.com.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/PortalViewVideo.aspx?tid=19447&loid=102018&IsSearch=Y The Mande people of the Mali empire]
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?JW=1&xtid=3078 The Bambara Kingdom of Segu (Mali)]
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=44114&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=Dark%20Passages%20&IsSearch=N&parentSeriesID= Dark passages] (Slave trade)
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?JW=1&xtid=3064 Door of no return] (slave trade)
=== African society, culture, religion, and politics ===
[http://digital.films.com/portalsearch.aspx?pstid=15653 The Call of Africa]
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?JW=1&xtid=36197 Africa's West Coast]
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?JW=1&xtid=39450 Miraculous Water: The Effects of Scarcity and Abundance in Benin, Ethiopia, Ghana, and Mali]
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?JW=1&xtid=39457 More Than Just a Game: Competitions and Celebrations in Ethiopia, Ghana, Niger, Senegal, and Sudan]
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?JW=1&xtid=39451 Paper Gods: Aspects of Religion in Benin, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, and Mali]. See section 10 on a witchcraft village in northern Ghana.
[http://reelafrican.com Reel African]. Collection of online video content. May not all be accessible from your location.
'''Africa:  who is to blame?'''  A film featuring Ghana's former President J.J. Rawlings
* [http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=35896&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=Africa:%20Who%20Is%20to%20Blame?&IsSearch=Y&parentSeriesID=&loid=36373 President Jerry Rawlings of Ghana (04:33)]
* [http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=35896&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=Africa:%20Who%20Is%20to%20Blame?&IsSearch=Y&parentSeriesID=&loid=36373#  Slavery, Colonialism, and Corrupt Democracy (05:06)]
* [http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=35896&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=Africa:%20Who%20Is%20to%20Blame?&IsSearch=Y&parentSeriesID=&loid=36373# Visions for Africa's Future (02:01)]
=== West Africa generally ===
[https://www.youtube.com/user/CDROYburkina Short videos about West Africa] (Burkina Faso, Ghana...)
[http://films.nfb.ca/nollywood-babylon/ Nollywood Babylon, on the Nigerian film industry] (from the National Film Board of Canada)
'''Jean Rouch''': seminal French documentary filmmaker-anthropologist, who developed a style of reflexive documentary filmmaking called "cinéma-vérité", blurring boundaries ordinarily separating subject and observer, as well as those separating fiction and non-fiction genres. Rouch is well known for representing West Africa in his films.
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbKwC8OBQx4 Jean Rouch's classic "Les Maîtres Fous"]
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAsg4_dLlzg Circoncision] - Jean Rouch
* [http://anth.alexanderstreet.com.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/view/765178/play/true/ Screening Room with Jean Rouch], by Gardner Robert (Documentary Educational Resources (DER), 1980) 78 minutes.
* See: http://www.maitres-fous.net/home.html
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=41987&loid=92215&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=A%20Fresh%20Look%20at%20Mali,%20Ghana,%20and%20Nigeria&IsSearch=Y&parentSeriesID= A Fresh Look at Mali, Ghana, and Nigeria.]
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=49791&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=This%20Is%20Nollywood&IsSearch=N&parentSeriesID= Nollywood]
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=49727&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=Keita:%20The%20Heritage%20of%20the%20Griot&IsSearch=N&parentSeriesID= Keita: The Heritage of the Griot]
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=9050&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=Chinua%20Achebe:%20Africas%20Voice&IsSearch=N&parentSeriesID= Chinua Achebe][http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=4936&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=Chinua%20Achebe&IsSearch=N&parentSeriesID=]
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=41966&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=Wole%20Soyinka:%20Child%20of%20the%20Forest&IsSearch=N&parentSeriesID= Wole Soyinka]
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=37638&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=Islamic%20Art:%20Africa%20and%20Central%20Asia&IsSearch=N&parentSeriesID= Art] (see #10-13)
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=49783&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=Liberia:%20An%20Uncivil%20War&IsSearch=N&parentSeriesID= Liberia: An uncivil war]
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=39447&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=Who%20Controls%20Africa?%20Power%20Structures%20in%20Ghana,%20Guinea-Bissau,%20and%20Mali&IsSearch=N&parentSeriesID=15653 Who controls Africa? Power Structures in Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, and Mali]
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?JW=1&xtid=50443 West Africa—Ghana and the Ivory Coast: Globe Trekker]. Typical cheerily youth-oriented TV documentary, following the backpacker route and reveling in its culture more than cultural empathy or interpretation... but of our destinations are highlighted in parts 1-12.
=== Ghana, its history, culture, and music ===
==== History ====
[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC8odNveIauyKGDYsvVbWcxaXhRH5LbzD Ghana's history], in 3 parts ([http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjBcRMjOWzg 1.] See esp. 26:45 Nkrumah's speech and E.T. Mensah on his highlife song, "Freedom". [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWsobQwAOBs 2],[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVj_olyhYX0 3]) Collage of documentaries and news reels - some great footage. Also [www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=lC8JU6jxHgw].
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIr09k_LMoE Dr Kwame Nkrumah] (short piece from History Channel)
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1C-aDqgVqzY Yaa Asantewa: Warrior Queen of Ghana][http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rzRooY04SHM Yaa Asantewaa and the Golden Stool].  Yaa Asantewaa was a courageous queen who ruled the Asantes and defended against the British.
[http://www.colonialfilm.org.uk/search-content?page=2&terms4=Gold%20Coast  Colonial Film: Moving Images of the British Empire], containing many online films about the Gold Coast, e.g. [http://www.colonialfilm.org.uk/node/211 Gold Coast Police Band's visit to London in 1947], [http://www.colonialfilm.org.uk/node/332][http://www.colonialfilm.org.uk/node/1280][http://www.colonialfilm.org.uk/node/6021][http://www.colonialfilm.org.uk/node/1705 Prince of Wales in Gold Coast],[http://www.colonialfilm.org.uk/node/615][http://www.colonialfilm.org.uk/node/2566][http://www.colonialfilm.org.uk/node/757 colonialism][http://www.colonialfilm.org.uk/node/5735]
==== Culture and Society ====
Environment, entertainment, health, economy...
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=3076&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=The%20Ashanti%20Kingdom%20(Ghana)&IsSearch=Y&parentSeriesID= The Asante Kingdom]
''Changing Nature: Population and Environment at a Crossroads''. A view of Ghana's environmental issues, especially the rain forests, and their relation to human health and economic welfare...
* [http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=34210&loid=28527&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=Changing%20Nature:%20Population%20and%20Environment%20at%20a%20Crossroads&IsSearch=Y&parentSeriesID= Ghana's Threatened Spirit (04:48)]
* [http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=34210&loid=28527&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=Changing%20Nature:%20Population%20and%20Environment%20at%20a%20Crossroads&IsSearch=Y&parentSeriesID=#  Exploitation and Sustainability in Ghana (02:50)]
* [http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=34210&loid=28527&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=Changing%20Nature:%20Population%20and%20Environment%20at%20a%20Crossroads&IsSearch=Y&parentSeriesID=# Ghana's mining camps (04:18)]
* [http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=34210&loid=28527&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=Changing%20Nature:%20Population%20and%20Environment%20at%20a%20Crossroads&IsSearch=Y&parentSeriesID=# Ghana's Public Health Efforts (03:54)]
[http://anth.alexanderstreet.com.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/view/1689388/play/true/ Salt Harvesters of Ghana] (Filmakers Library) 18 minutes. Focus on women's roles in  traditional salt production in Ada, near the Volta river.
[http://anth.alexanderstreet.com.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/view/1796766 Dreams of Catches Unlimited], in Riches from the Deep 2 (Nordic World) 52 minutes. ''NB:  Fast forward to 22:00 and watch to 35:15.'' Centered on fish production near Tema.  Includes fishermen's work songs, and focusses on women's roles.  We will see lots of fishing villages in Ghana.
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=41987&loid=92215&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=A%20Fresh%20Look%20at%20Mali,%20Ghana,%20and%20Nigeria&IsSearch=Y&parentSeriesID= A Fresh Look at Mali, Ghana, and Nigeria.]  Watch especially parts 5-8 on Ghana (plus #11, on hip-hop in Lagos).
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?JW=1&xtid=48875# Ghana: TV in Africa]. This documentary studies the cultural landscape of Ghana through the lens of that country’s television programming.
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?JW=1&xtid=6135 Healers of Ghana]. (A traditional voiceover style documentary, a bit dated in some ways, but providing some unique views...) This program explores the traditional medical practices of the Bono people of central Ghana and how their healers are cooperating with Western doctors, using herbs and spiritualism to improve health-care delivery in rural areas. Traditionally, Bono tribal priests undergo a painful spiritual possession, during which deities reveal to them the causes of illnesses, which plants to use to treat them, who is perpetrating witchcraft, and which villagers might be endangering society through improper behavior. The program features vibrant dance and possession ceremonies, set against the backdrop of the Bono villages, which are awash with color. (58 minutes)
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=39449&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=Dying%20in%20Africa:%20Perspectives%20on%20the%20End%20of%20Life%20in%20Burkina%20Faso,%20Ghana,%20Mali,%20and%20South%20Africa&IsSearch=Y&parentSeriesID= Dying in Africa: Perspectives on the End of Life in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali, and South Africa]. Watch first three segments (on Ghana), and final segment on funeral music (in Burkina Faso)
[http://anth.alexanderstreet.com.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/view/1646954/play/true/ A Mysterious Death], by Bulmer John and Errington Sarah, in Under the Sun (British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 1999) 49 minutes.
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?JW=1&xtid=49235 Asante Market Women: Disappearing World]. Focus on Kumasi's enormous central market, and the role there of women. Fascinating documentary.
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?JW=1&xtid=33563# Guinea worm]
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?JW=1&xtid=43880 The Interconnected World: An Inside Look at the IMF and Its Impact (45:00)].  See segments 9-11, with focus on Ghana's emerging oil economy.  This program guides viewers through the history, mission, and real-world impact of the International Monetary Fund. Topics include...Ghana’s challenges in ensuring that oil revenues benefit the country.
==== Music ====
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAzeMQ3l1q4 Highlife:  Ghana's Musical Soul] (History of Highlife)
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJKP4PPMzhE Freedom Highlife], by E.T. Mensah and the Tempos
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=6434&loid= Listening to the Silence: African Cross Rhythms] (featuring Ewe music, Prof. John Collins, and many other wonderful things)
[http://www.folkstreams.net/film,123 Singing Fishermen of Ghana]
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=10510&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=The%20Drums%20of%20Dagbon&IsSearch=N&parentSeriesID= The Drums of Dagbon]
==== Representing Ghana ====
[http://anth.alexanderstreet.com.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/view/765060/play/true/ Passing Girl: Riverside An Essay On Camera Work], by Braun Kwame (Documentary Educational Resources (DER), 1998) 24 minutes.
=== The African Diaspora: history, culture, music ===
Linking Africa to the New World...and back again
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?JW=1&xtid=49793 Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North]. Katrina Browne was shocked to discover that her distinguished Rhode Island forebears had been part of the largest slave-trading dynasty in American history. Once she started digging, Browne found the evidence everywhere—in ledgers, ships’ logs, letters, and even in a local nursery rhyme. This film documents one family’s painful confrontation with their ancestors’ involvement in the slave trade, and in so doing reveals the pivotal role slavery played in the growth of the American economy.
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=30606&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=Wrapped%20in%20Pride:%20The%20Story%20of%20Kente%20in%20America&IsSearch=Y&parentSeriesID= Wrapped in Pride: The Story of Kente in America]
[http://digital.films.com/PortalViewVideo.aspx?xtid=6974&psid=0&sid=0&State=&title=Too%20Close%20to%20Heaven:%20The%20History%20of%20Gospel%20Music&IsSearch=N&parentSeriesID= Too Close to Heaven: The History of Gospel Music]
[http://www.folkstreams.net/film,166 Family Across the Sea]
[http://www.folkstreams.net/film,59 Gravel Springs Fife and Drum]
[http://www.folkstreams.net/film,122 Afro-American Work Songs in a Texas Prison]
[http://www.folkstreams.net/film,82 Black Delta Religion]
[http://www.folkstreams.net/film,54 Joy Uspeakable] (Pentecostals in Indiana)
[http://www.folkstreams.net/film,109 The Land Where Blues Began], by Alan Lomax
[http://www.folkstreams.net/film,52 The Music District]
[http://www.folkstreams.net/film,185 Music Masters and Rhythm Kings]
[http://www.folkstreams.net/film,194 The Performed Word]
[http://www.folkstreams.net/film,72 Fannie Bell Chapman: Gospel Singer]
== Maps ==
* [http://www.oxfordreference.com.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/view/10.1093/acref/9780199652921.001.0001/acref-9780199652921 World Maps (Oxford)]
* [http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=108906578218077644238.000466c231101f447cd3d&t=h&z=6 Google Map showing locations we'll likely visit on the summer program]
* [http://www.uflib.ufl.edu/maps/MAPAFRICA.HTML Historical maps]
* [http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/africa.html Modern maps]
* [http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/ams/west_africa/ West Africa maps]
* [http://www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/ghana.html Ghana maps]
* [http://africamap.harvard.edu/ Harvard's Africa Map project]
* [http://www.lizardpoint.com/fun/geoquiz/afrquiz.html interactive map quiz for countries]
* [http://www.lizardpoint.com/fun/geoquiz/afrcapquiz.html interactive map quiz for capitals]
== Blogs ==
[http://blogs.uit.tufts.edu/tuftskiniweinghana/ Tufts Kiniwe trip to Ghana]
== Reference ==
* [http://www.oxfordreference.com.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/view/10.1093/acref/9780195337709.001.0001/acref-9780195337709 Ency. of Africa]
* [http://www.oxfordreference.com.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/view/10.1093/acref/9780199652921.001.0001/acref-9780199652921 World Maps (Oxford)]
* [http://www.oxfordmusiconline.com.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/subscriber/ Oxford Music Online]
* [http://glnd.alexanderstreet.com.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/ Garland Ency. of World Music]
* [http://www.oxfordreference.com.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/view/10.1093/acref/9780195173697.001.0001/acref-9780195173697 Int'l Ency. of Dance]
* [http://www.oxfordreference.com.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/view/10.1093/acref/9780195139778.001.0001/acref-9780195139778 Int'l Ency. of Linguistics]
* [http://www.oxfordreference.com.login.ezproxy.library.ualberta.ca/view/10.1093/acref/9780199574193.001.0001/acref-9780199574193 Oxford Companion to Theatre and Performance]
== Bibliography ==
See reference works above. Also:
[http://dl.lib.brown.edu/koetting/bibliography.html Brown University], bibliography on Ghanaian music
= Program research in Ghana =
Our summer program includes  original field research in a Ghanaian village.  Read the results of our study here: 
'''[[Musical Change in Dagbamete]]'''
= Need more information? =
Regarding application procedures please contact  [mailto:Xiao.Zhang@ualberta.ca Xiao Zhang] ((780) 492-1578)) in [http://www.goabroad.ualberta.ca Education Abroad]<br>
Tel: 780 492 6215<br>
Fax: 780 492 6213<br>
You may also contact Professor [mailto:michaelf@ualberta.ca Michael Frishkopf] for further information about the program itself.
Sending this page's URL to someone else non-electronically (e.g. over the phone)? 
You can also use the following short form:  http://tinyurl.com/2epv72

Revision as of 13:19, 24 October 2021

This course will be available for credit in Winter 2022. Enroll using Bear Tracks. The course is not available in 2020-21.

If you are enrolled (or on a waitlist) be sure to fill out this form prior to the first meeting. The first meeting will be for consent, when I will ask everyone to sing or play something. Only those enrolled for credit need attend. The second meeting will be our first proper rehearsal.

Sign up for the MENAME email list.

New members click here for more information about the group. We meet in Studio 27, in the Fine Arts Building, Thursdays at 6:30 - those not taking the course for credit can generally come at 7pm. Here's a map.

MENAME (Middle Eastern and North African Music Ensemble) (Music 148, 448, 548)

short URL for this page: http://bit.ly/MENAME or http://bit.ly/mename or "http://bit.ly/Mename"


The University of Alberta Middle Eastern and North African Music Ensemble (MENAME) is a University of Alberta course and a community group for the study and performance of music from Arabic, Turkish, Persian, Berber, Hebrew, Nubian, Kurdish, Armenian, and other musical-linguistic communities of the Middle East and North Africa, as well as fusions thereof. Our aim is to learn and appreciate these musical traditions, to use music as a gateway towards broader intercultural understanding, and as a means of forming and maintaining a harmonious intercultural musical community here in Edmonton, bridging all divisions, especially those of ethnicity, nationality, language, and religion. The course combines academic and performance components. Our repertoire covers various gamuts, from specialized "high art" to participatory folk, from local to regional, from old to new. Besides studying pieces from the region (mostly songs), we also focus on regional musical concepts (tonal and rhythmic) in theory and practice, through a series of in-class exercises developing the ears in new directions.

The group gathers diverse members: musicians interested in traditions of the region; university students studying the region's culture, society and history; members of language communities; and anyone else who wishes to participate. MENAME was founded by director Michael Frishkopf in 2005 as the Arab Music Group; its scope has gradually expanded to include the Middle East and North Africa.

Technically the course is listed under University of Alberta's "open studies" program, and thus is accessible to anyone who wants to enroll. And everyone interested is encouraged to do so. Neither musical training, nor knowledge of musical notation, nor the ability to play an instrument, nor fluency in regional languages is a prerequisite. All I ask is that you make a firm commitment to the group for one full year, and participate with energy and enthusiasm.

Besides regular meetings, there are also various occasions to perform in public. Minimally, I expect all group members to participate in the final concert (see performances link, below).

The course provides 3 course weights per semester and combines performance and academics, the latter including:

  • readings and films
  • weekly short lectures, films or analytical listening
  • a midterm and final, including performance and academic components

Meeting place and time

We meet every Thursday evening, fall and winter terms, usually from 6:30 to 9:30 pm (but sometimes we start later, or end earlier - join the mailing list to be in the know), in Studio 27, Fine Arts Building (FAB) of the University of Alberta campus (between the Timms centre and HUB mall, and next to the bus stop). Studio 27 is just north of the FAB central stairwell, on the second floor. It's on your left as you cross the breezeway from HUB mall to FAB. All are welcome!

MAP of key locations (Studio 27, Convocation Hall, etc.)

For prospective members

MENAME prospective students click here.

For members

Modify subscriptions to our MENAME email list
Join our MENAME Facebook group (Note: log into Facebook before clicking)

Course outlines and schedules

Click here for the winter 2022 course outline

Click here for the winter 2020 course outline

Click here for the winter 2019 course outline

Click here for the winter 2018 course outline

Click here for the fall 2016 course outline

Click here for the winter 2016 course outline

Click here for the fall 2012 course outline



Near Eastern Ensemble tapes (located off-wiki)

Repertoire content (located on-wiki)

Suggestion box. Please feel free to add...

Middle Eastern Dance pieces

MENAME performance programs: past and present

Links contain schedules; each performance is linked to its program.

MENAME Final performance Winter 2019

Performance Winter 2018

Performances (Fall 2012)

Performances (2011-12)

Performances (2010-11)

Performances (2009-10)

Performances (2008-09)

Performances (2007-08)

Other past concert programs

Videos and audios online

Vimeo collection (password: emanem)

At the Winspear

A night (mainly) in Tunisia! (the 2018 MENAME concert)

Soundcloud concerts

Other online resources

MENAME recordings

YouTube videos of MENA area songs

Performances by MENAME:

Regional music links (with audio, notations, bios, etc.)

Arab music URLs

Turkish music URLs

Iranian music URLS

Kurdish music URLs

Israeli music URLs

Dance URLs

Theory, ear training, practica

MENA music theory and practice

MENA = Middle East and North Africa...what follows are the relevant links for music theory.

Michael's resources: PDF files providing basic maqamat and iqa`at (rhythms) for Arab music of Egypt/Levant (with a separate folder for Maghrib)

MaqamWorld: extensive treatment of maqamat, instruments, forms, and iqa`at (durub) (for Egypt and the Levant only)

Offtonic presentation of Arabic music theory

Maqam Lessons: an excellent theoretical overview, with practical lessons and illustrative analyses

Alsiadi maqamat

Ja's Middle Eastern Rhythms: detailed treatment of rhythms (you'll find dozens!) featuring a remarkable MIDI rhythm generator that will play any rhythm notated using special symbols to indicate the various drum strokes

Finger cymbal patterns


Maqam places. The word maqam can mean: a literary genre, a saint's shrine, a musical mode, or a place or rank. And in fact many maqam names come from places. This map shows some of them. (Others -- along with the names of scale degrees -- are derived from the Persian numbers, coming ultimately from Indo-European: yek, doh, se, chehar...)

Western music theory training

introductory music theory, simple introduction to Western music notation, for those who'd like to learn.

Tutorials in music theory: more advanced training in Western music notation and music theory.


Oud Migrations

All about the nay (reed flute)

George Sawa's qanun (plucked zither) page

Oud for Guitarists, a site designed to teach oud and Arab music to guitarists

Microtonal saxophone fingerings from Dan Schnee

Amazing "oriental" piano style performed by Magdi al-Husseini


A440 tuning fork

Microphone tuner (use it to practice singing quartertones!)

Ear work


and this new one : http://www.meludia.com/en/

Transliterating Middle Eastern / North African languages

International Journal of Middle East Studies standard


Summary of Romanization standards