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Agbadza Kundo yi yevuwode mebgo o hee Dadabe mina mitso gbe?e dzi (Call) Kundo yi yevuwode megbo hee Misto gbe?e dzi (Resp.)

Miafe avakplola da atsiavame Eyina a?a wo gee (Call, Resp.)

Mienye tso mienye tso mienye tso Mieyi ava mieyi ava mieyi ava Kundo yi yevuwode megbo o hee Misto gbe?e dzi.

Gahu Se adzoyi Gahu dzo se Adzo sabadzo (Call, rep as Resp.)

Êê loo (Call) Êê loo adukpe (Resp) (2x) Asô asô kinilo (asô kinilo) Êê loo, ee loo adukpee Nu dzô lo O un dzô leo fumio (2x)

Gota Ago maya fe Gotaviu maya fe (Call) Ago maya fe gotaviu maya fe. (Resp.)

Click here to download the song lyrics for songs we have learned so far. They are divided by Drum, and for those of you who like to pay attention to pronounciation, here are some tips:
-gb and kp are individual sounds, have fun trying to get them
-the backwards c is similar to the o sound in 'pot'
-there may be syllables that are slurred together, so listen in class
-other funky letters have other special pronounciations, but they are more finicky, so just listen in class, record it, and try your best