Collaborative discography pilot

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Revision as of 12:52, 1 October 2006 by Michaelf (talk | contribs)
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Please contribute capsule reviews for the following regions of the ME, using the following procedure:

  • Very briefly (2-4 sentences), name and describe the musical domain, providing whatever background information you deem appropriate; optionally, include one or two important references.
  • List 1-3 available CDs,providing full publication information, plus a few sentences of commentary on each: (a) 1-3 sentences sentence describing CD contents; (b) 1-3 sentences of critique.

Focus on CDs which may enhance an introductory ME studies course: CDs should all be readily available (on Amazon, or something comparable), and be notable for their scholarly quality.

Please make each review a single paragraph, and file under one of the links below:

North Africa and Sahara

Nile Valley




Turkey, Ottoman Empire, Turkic regions of Central Asia

Iran and Persianate world

Other areas