Week 5 - Oct 4: Mountain music of Tajikistan (and Northern Afghanistan)(continued): ritual and poetry among the Ismailis of Badakhshan

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Reading assignment:

Read: Berg (2004): 22-44 and any parts that interest you. For those of you who have already reported on Berg (2004), please comment on the sleeve notes of one of the following: CD 8 (in my office), 14 (in my office) or 17 (on reserve).

Plus, one of the following sets: Berg & Belle (1997) + Koen (2003b). Or Koen (2005) + O'Connell (2004).

Listening suggestions:

From Central Asia - discography: CDs 1, 2, 8, 12, 14, 17, 24.

As always, you are free to come to my office and check out my field recordings. In the meantime, check out the mighty Faiz and his friends (with pictures) Class media content

The tricky rhythm discussed in Koen 2003b and 2005 can be listened to in CD 8, track 4 and in the final section of Faiz's piece (from min. 10 onward).