The music of Rumi

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The Music of Rumi:

  • music in the poetry
  • music as metaphor in the poetry
  • music as metaphor for the ritual experience of the text, and Rumi as saint
  • music of the performed text
  • music as metaphor for the harmonious machinery of the cosmos

Proposed form:

Blackout....Swirling nay emerges, followed by deep-toned bendir/tar which fades in; recitation of Rumi's Masnavi in Persian (2 lines) followed by English, on the nay...tar fades out..

Trio (Regula, Vinod, Michael) accompanies more recitation...then move to

Geha's dance recitations, with musical accompaniment

Whirling dervishes projected onto screen (run throughout, but sound down), with transition to

Indian ensemble

Recitation with nay and tar, with transition to

Arab ensemble (containing Persian ensemble subgroup)

---intermission--- (let video run with sound up)

Geha's dance recitations (with musical accompaniment) opens second half, Recitation (focus on ecstatic dance) with nay and tar, transition to

Kreisha's performance

Recitation with nay and tar, transition to

African ensemble

Final poem --- concludes the program.