Observations: 1001 uses for an iPod - Sound test - 25 January 2008

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On Thursday night, when I hung out with the guys from C4C, I was asked by the head of the tech area to take over for the Friday afternoon, as he had other commitments that he was not allowed to refuse. This was happening while we were in the basement talking about the more private aspects of life with the latest faulty rendition of a song on Rock Band, the newest popular <You could be a rock star!> video game, blaring overhead. Seems these guys love Oasis or something, because they have been trying ‘Wonderwall’ for the 20th consecutive time.

The person who usually assists with tech helped me with the necessary work of helping haul the various contraptions over to the Education Building [I was so grateful for the fact that they had a cart especially made for the purpose] and setup. While I was wondering how to test the speakers to make sure that they worked, he produced an iPod and hooked it up to the soundboard. I could then use the faders to make sure that the speakers worked. Unfortunately, the wire itself was faulty, because although I could hardly hear the music coming out of the speakers of the iPod, they worked very well for the actual weekly meeting.