Music and Religion (Winter 2006)

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Poll: how many of you would like to have a one-week extension on the first synthetic-critical paper (to February 25th)? Please sign below under the appropriate heading.

YES, I'd like to have an extension.


Yes, this would be helpful. the option to submit on the original date for those that may wish to do so would be good too. Thanks. --Stella 14:15, 7 February 2006 (MST)

Aye, methinks an extra week would be just enough to tweak any weak-hearts up to loud-speak!----Kreisha 14:20, 7 February 2006 (MST)

Ye be right sarr. Makin' mar rume is always appreciated. -- Cbiel 15:53, 7 February 2006 (MST)

Sure. (I have neither wit nor goofiness at the moment, only appreciation for those who do). : ) --Gloria 16:09, 7 February 2006 (MST)

Any extra time is helpful, as all other projects for other classes are due before reading week. Thanks! Shannon

Because all my other important stuff is due before reading week, and I speak at a conference at UBC this weekend, I'd LOVE to have an extra week! --Megfow 17:36, 7 February 2006 (MST)

I'm not going to say that I'm against the extention, as long as we have the ability to hand it in before the due date. I'm going away for Reading Week, and had hoped to finish everything before I left... Three cheers for professors who entertain the ideas and suggestions of the student!!! --Kristen 20:14, 7 February 2006 (MST)

I think the extension would be helpful for a lot of people, so I'm putting my vote here. Especially since this is probably a new kind of assignment for most people. What about handing in a copy by the original date, getting suggestions, then revising it for the 25th? Just a suggestion, 'cause we all know that professors don't actually do any work. ; ) --Meghanbowen 21:47, 7 February 2006 (MST)

NO, please keep the current due date as it is.


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