Music and Religion (Fall 2007)

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Music 464/564: Topics in Ethnomusicology: MUSIC & RELIGION

Classes: Friday 9:00-11:50, Music Library 2-109A Instructor: Federico Spinetti Office: 3-65 Fine Arts Building; office hours: Tuesday 10:00-12:00am, or by appointment. Tel. 492-7534; Teaching Assistant: Melaena Grierson (

Course description

This course explores the relationship and interconnectedness between music and religious beliefs and practices, calling upon both ethnographic studies and theoretical perspectives. It aims at developing familiarity with a diverse range of religious, musical and socio-cultural settings through the study of scholarly ethnographic literature primarily drawn from the field of ethnomusicology, but also touching upon anthropology and sociology, and through selected audio and visual examples. It also addresses a variety of theoretical approaches to the study of music and religion and encourages students to engage in critical thinking and interpretive openness in respect of a plurality of methodological, epistemological and cultural-philosophical perspectives (structural-functional approaches, phenomenology, hermeneutics and experiential approaches, Marxism, cultural studies, postcolonial and postmodern studies, critical theory). In addition to the areas of inquiry and the topics selected by the instructor, students will be encouraged to undertake independent pieces of research (including a fieldwork assignment) and contribute with their interests and experience to shaping the contents, approaches and materials of the course. No formal knowledge of music history, theory or ethnomusicology is required.