The music of Marcel Khalife

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Oct 2: Religion and freedom of expression. Marcel Khalife & Mahmoud Darwish, "Ana Yusuf ya Abi". (music, documentary film; Middle East, Islam)

Assignment: Read the following.

Music, art, religion and politics: Marcel Khalife and Mahmoud Darwish

Marcel Khalife (Wikipedia article)

Mahmoud Darwish (Wikipedia article)

Mahmoud Darwish's website

Marcel Khalife's website

A New World Order, A New Marcel Khalife

Khalife's music and politics: Browse these entries about Marcel Khalife in Freemuse, a website dedicated to freedom of musical expression.

Watch this interview with Marcel Khalife

Watch Marcel Khalife in performance (the video begins by showing the double bass; Marcel appears later, on the Arabic lute called oItalic textud)

Ana Yusuf ya Abi: the controversy

Read the poem...

Listen to the song...

BBC story I

BBC story II

Read this chronological newspaper archive:

1 2 3 4 5

Browse the summary of the 1999 controversy on Marcel Khalife's website

Read the Petition

Thought question: Why do you suppose the song created much more controversy than the poem?