Tips on how to Pimp Your own Jeans

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Being stylish is very important. If you wish to grab the attention of others your clothes need that extra touch that will make you stand up from the crowd. Wearing stylish clothes will make you look nice, rebellious and nonconformist.

Although stylish clothes are costly! For instance a good pair of distressed jeans can cost more than 100$, which is a huge sum to pay for some jeans, on the other hand stylish they may be. It’s not worth the cost, especially when you can transform a boring pair of jeans into a pair of stylish jeans all by yourself!

Very first, buy yourself a pair of inexpensive denim jeans which you can acquire at your local used clothes store. Right now, take a knife and quickly rub it up and down on the jean fabric. This is known as the slash. It will give the impact that you’ve put on the jeans for a long period of time. Make sure to stop right after each slash and to check your progress. In case you cut to deep, you’ll create a hole and also ruin the jeans.

One other way in which you can improve your jeans is by rubbing the knife along the seams around your pockets or zipper. Always stop to check your progress!

If you want your jeans to obtain that rugged look, rub a brick against the fabric. This makes the jeans look stained and will destroy the jean fabric. If you can’t find a brick, a regular rock will do, but you won’t get the stained look. But, don’t despair! There is another cool thing that you can do with a regular rock. Place it under the fabric and rub on the fabric with a nail file until you get a little hole with fuzzy edges.

Right now let’s talk about studding your jeans. Normally, in shops, studded jeans can be expensive of money. Sure, they look cool, yet it’s no use paying for them since you can stud your own jeans yourself. You could buy studs from different websites just like that sell punk rock clothing and accessories. Studs are cheap, so get a bunch! Studs look coolest places on the seams around your pockets. Notice that the stud has little spokes on one side. Place the stud with the spokes poking into the fabric. Press hard! You’ll then notice some marks. Utilize a small nail to widen the holes. Insert the stud with the pokes in the holes and turn to the other side. To be able to fix the studs, pick a pair of pliers and bend the spokes sideways so that they face each other. It should look something like this: ><.

Now you’ve got yourself some cool looking jeans! Good job!

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