Religion in the music system

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Assigned readings: Spirituality in Jazz

Note: the following readings are generally quite short, and much easier than those of late...don't be put off by their number. If possible, try to locate recordings as well. We will listen and watch the spiritual music of these jazz masters extensively in class. Enjoy!

Duke Ellington

Read the following short biography of Duke Ellington.

Read this NPR story about the Sacred Concert, and listen to the audio.

Browse his official web site, as you wish.

John Coltrane

Skim the following: John Coltrane: A Biographical Sketch

Read this short article about John Coltrane's music of theophany and negation

Browse two sites for the Church of Saint John Coltrane African Orthodox Church [1] [2] (the second is superseded by the first, but contains some additional information about the founding of the church)

Optionally, read this article about Coltrane's most famous composition, A Love Supreme, by noted jazz scholar and Coltrane biographer Lewis Porter.

Mary Lou Williams

Browse as much as possible in Mary Lou Williams' website, including all of the section entitled Religious Conversion

Read the following interview with Mary Lou Williams

Sun Ra

Please read the following:

Sun Ra: From Ephrata (F-Ra-Ta) to Arkestra by David W. Stowe

Jazzmen: Diz and Sun Ra by Amiri Baraka

Listenings, viewings

I will be showing footage of all four jazz artists in class; please make an effort to come on time.

Discussion about this topic

Your thoughts, ideas...?

Your selected readings

Please find examples of "religion in the music system", on jstor or anywhere on the web. Don't limit yourself to scholarly articles - web sites, blogs, etc. are all fine.


  • Christian rock
  • Islamic rap
