Music 665 Reading Assignments

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Beginnings, definitions, speculations (50s, 60s) (Week 5)

(Rhodes, 1956; Hood, 1957; Kolinski, 1957; Chase, 1958; K. P. Wachsmann, 1958; Kunst, 1959; A. P. Merriam, 1960; Meyer, 1960; Seeger, 1961; Lomax, 1962; The Teaching of Ethnomusicology: A Curriculum in Ghana," 1963; Hood, 1963 skim for gist; McAllester, 1963; J.H. Kwabena Nketia, 1963; Hood, 1964; A. Merriam, 1964; A. P. Merriam, 1964; Bruno Nettl, 1964 browse.; Wiora, 1965; A. P. Merriam, et. al, 1966; Kolinski, 1967; Sachs & Kunst, 1977)

Please select one reading (from the above list) for which you'd like to lead discussion on Friday Oct 3, and type it next to your name (and please don't select a reading that's already been selected!). For this reading, prepare a brief review (for yourself, not to hand in) along with a few questions for discussion, linking it to other readings and course issues.






