Ethnomusicology of the Arab World - Multimedia

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Arab music online at the University of Alberta


MENAME Repertoire (repertoire performed by the University of Alberta Middle Eastern and North African Music Ensemble)

Music of the Arab world - audio, video examples and related files

Various Arab music audio sites

Search for appropriate keywords within the following online music databases:

Smithsonian GlobalSound

Naxos music library

Contemporary World Music

Smithsonian Folkways recordings (with 30 second clips and liner notes)

Specific recordings of note

Taqasim, by Jihad Racy and Simon Shaheen

Arab music in the Music library

The Music Library is located in Rutherford North, 2nd floor

The following resources are all available in our library; call numbers are provided.

Arab Music Discography

Arab Music Filmography



iTunes (access relevant podcasts via iTunes client application)

Music download sites


(add your own here)



Aramco World

YouTube lists

Please add your lists to the list...<bf>
This is a very light pop song from Lebanon called Ah W Nos. I danced to it last fall with one of my dance classes.
--Cari 16:22, 10 January 2008 (MST)

This is an amazing video! Tunisian ud player/vocalist Dhafer Youssef playing "Odd Poetry" live with his band. His style has been said to be a blend of sufi and electro-jazz. Dhafer Youssef: "Odd Poetry" Live Also check his official website. Dhafer Youssef Official Website -- Rana

Michael's lists



