Music and Islam

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Music 469/569: Area Studies in Ethnomusicology: Music and Islam

winter 2007

Classes: Friday 9:00-11:50, Music Library 2-109A

Instructor: Prof. Federico Spinetti

Office: 3-65 Fine Arts Building; office hours: Tuesday 10:00-12:00am, or by appointment. Tel. 492-7534;

Course Description

This course explores musical and sonic practices in the Muslim world, with particular emphasis on history, Muslim discourses on the ethical and social position of music, religious and ritual musics and sonic performances. It also addresses secular music as well as transnational and mediated musical practices in various contemporary Muslim societies or communities. It will highlight both the commonalities and the considerable diversity of musical practices around the Islamic world, and provide in-depth exploration of a few case studies. No formal knowledge of music history and theory, ethnomusicology or Islam is required in order to take this course.

Prerequisites: Undergraduates should enroll in 469; graduates should enroll in 569.

Syllabus_Music & Islam

Classes & Readings

Bibliography_Music & Islam

Class media content