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Canadian Slavonic Papers

An Interdisciplinary Journal
Devoted to Central and Eastern Europe

Volume 51 • Number 2-3 • June-September 2009



Sergey Lobachev 173 Ruslan Grigor'evich Skrynnikov (1931–2009)

ARTICLES [abstracts]

Oleh S. Ilnytzkyj 175 Nikolai Gogol'/Mykola Hohol', 1809–2009: A Note from the Editor
Edyta Bojanowska 177 Equivocal Praise and National-Imperial Conundrums: Gogol'’s “A Few Words About Pushkin
Yuliya Ilchuk 203 Nikolai Gogol'’s Self-Fashioning in the 1830s: The Postcolonial Perspective
Maksym Klymentiev 223 The Dark Side of “The Nose”: The Paradigms of Olfactory Perception in Gogol'’s “The Nose”
Svitlana Krys 243 Allusions to Hoffmann in Gogol'’s Early Ukrainian Horror Stories
Kathleen Manukyan 267 From Maidens to Mugs: The Motif of the Mirror in the Works of Nikolai Gogol'
Cassio de Oliveira 287 Skuka and the Absurd in Gogol'’s Tale of the ‘Two Ivans’
Robert Romanchuk 305 Back to “Gogol’s Retreat from Love”: Mirgorod as a Locus of Gogolian Perversion (Part II: “Viĭ”)
Adrian Wanner 333 Gogol'’s “Portrait” Repainted: On Gary Shteyngart’s “Shylock on the Neva”


Arkadi Klioutchanski 349 David Powelstock. Becoming Mikhail Lermontov: The Ironies of Romantic Individualism in Nicholas I’s Russia.
George Thomas 350 Thomas Seifrid. The Word Made Self: Russian Writings on Language, 1860–1930.
Michal Biran 352 István Vásáry. Cumans and Tatars: Oriental Military in the Pre-Ottoman Balkans 1185–1365.
Andrew Konitzer and Jessica Bufford 353 Andrew Wilson. Virtual Politics: Faking Democracy in the Post-Soviet World.
Andrei P. Tsygankov 354 Margarita Balmaceda. Energy Dependency, Politics and Corruption in the Former Soviet Union: Russia’s Power, Oligarchs’ Profits and Ukraine’s Missing Energy Policy, 1995–2006.
Gabriella Safran 356 Victor Erlich. Child of a Turbulent Century.
Alexandra Miekus 357 Andrzej Gwóźdź, ed. Kino Kieślowskiego, kino po Kieślowskim.
Laura Beraha 359 Natasha Perova and Joanne Turnbull, eds. War & Peace: Contemporary Russian Prose.
David R. Stone 361 Geoffrey Roberts. Stalin’s Wars: From World War to Cold War, 1939–1953.
Alyssa Dinega Gillespie 362 Alexandra Smith. Montaging Pushkin: Pushkin and Visions of Modernity in Russian Twentieth-Century Poetry.
Eugene M. Avrutin 364 Omer Bartov. Erased: Vanishing Traces of Jewish Galicia in Present-Day Ukraine.
Claudia Radünzel 365 Joachim Buscha and Renate Freudenberg-Findeisen, eds. Feldergrammatik in der Diskussion. Funktionaler Grammatikansatz in Sprachbeschreibung und Sprachvermittlung.
Maryna Romanets 366 Anna Chilewska and Sheena Wilson, eds. Writing After the Gaze: The Rupture of the Historical.
Gerald M. Easter 368 Vanelin Ganev. Preying on the State: The Transformation of Bulgaria After 1989.
Janina Falkowska 369 Marek Haltof. Historical Dictionary of Polish Cinema.
Elizabeth White 370 Francis King, transl. and compiler. The Narodniks in the Russian Revolution. Russia’s Socialist-Revolutionaries in 1917—A Documentary History.
Ihor Stebelsky 372 Vadim Kukushkin. From Peasants to Labourers: Ukrainian and Belarusan Immigration from the Russian Empire to Canada.
Aaron J. Cohen 373 Gertraud Marinelli-König. Russische Kinderliteratur in der Sowjetunion der Jahre 1920–1930.
James Cracraft 374 Gary Marker. Imperial Saint: The Cult of St. Catherine and the Dawn of Female Rule in Russia.
Peter B. Maggs 375 Frances Nethercott. Russian Legal Culture Before and After Communism: Criminal Justice, Politics, and the Public Sphere.
Mary Louise Loe 376 Serge Rolet. Le Phénomène Gorki: Le jeune Gorki et ses lecteurs.
Alison Rowley 378 Katy Turton. Forgotten Lives: The Role of Lenin’s Sisters in the Russian Revolution, 1864–1937.
Steven Saxonberg 380 Elaine Weiner. Market Dreams: Gender, Class, & Capitalism in the Czech Republic.
Randall A. Poole 381 Vladimir Wozniuk, ed. and trans. Enemies from the East? V. S. Soloviev on Paganism, Asian Civilizations, and Islam.
Kristen Ghodsee 383 Dubravka Žarkov. The Body of War: Media, Ethnicity and Gender in the Break-up of Yugoslavia.
Stephen Wegren 384 Jessica Allina-Pisano. The Post-Soviet Potemkin Village: Politics and Property Rights in the Black Earth.
Nicholas G. Žekulin 386 Joe Andrew, Derek Offord, and Robert Reid, eds. Turgenev and Russian Culture: Essays to Honour Richard Peace.
Andrew C. Janos 389 Joan DeBardeleben, ed. The Boundaries of Enlargement. Finding a Place for Neighbors.
Joyce Story 391 Andrew Donskov. Leo Tolstoy and Nikolaj Strakhov. A Personal and Literary Dialogue. L. N. Tolstoi i N. N. Strakhov: Epistoliarnyi dialog o zhizni i literature.
Joyce Story 392 Andrew Donskov, ed. Leo Tolstoy and Russian Peasant Sectarian Writers. Selected Correspondence.
Alexandra Smith 393 Caryl Emerson. The Cambridge Introduction to Russian Literature.
Roman I. Shiyan 395 Larysa Fialkova. Koly hory skhodiat'sia. Narysy ukrains'ko-izrail's'kykh fol'klornykh vzaiemyn.
J. Arch Getty 396 Paul R. Gregory. Lenin’s Brain and Other Tales from the Secret Soviet Archives.
Ann Komaromi 397 Marko Juvan. History and Poetics of Intertextuality.
Elena Baraban 398 Lilya Kaganovsky. How the Soviet Man Was Unmade: Cultural Fantasy and Male Subjectivity Under Stalin.
Natasha Kolchevska 399 Donald Loewen. The Most Dangerous Art: Poetry, Politics, and Autobiography After the Russian Revolution.
Elena Baraban 401 Stephen M. Norris and Zara M. Torlone, eds. Insiders and Outsiders in Russian Cinema.
John Stanley 402 Marina Scharlaj. Das Weißrussische zwischen Sprachkontakt und Sprachverdrängung.
Robert Elsie 403 Klaus Steinke and Xhelal Ylli. Die slavischen Minderheiten in Albanien (SMA). 2. Teil: Golloborda – Herbel – Kërçishti i Epërm.
Frederick H. White 405 Birgit Beumers. A History of Russian Cinema.
Collections Received 407  
Books Received 411  
Contributors v