Popular Islamic music: local and global

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New genres of popular Islamic performance: within the Muslim world, and beyond it...

Tuesday (12a)

World Music, Folklorization, and Festivalization in the Muslim World


Submit a brief review on these works, noting their connections, as two perspectives on this famous festival.

Also sample a bit of each of the following videos - songs and concerts by famous regional and international nasheed stars:


Thursday (12b)

Beyond Nasheed: Popular Islamic Music in the West


  • Watch Taqwacore: The Birth of Punk Islam
  • Read Islam in the Mix: Lessons of the Five Percent, by anthropologist Ted Swedenburg (University of Arkansas) [Note: unfortunately many of his links are broken, but you can google to get the same or similar information]. Locate two examples of Islamic hip hop online. Explain how each conveys an Islamic orientation, based on lyrics or images or other features, and how they contrast. (You may locate examples from Swedenburg's article if you wish, or may broaden the search to hip hop worldwide.) 1 page total.

Some links related to Swedenburg's article you may like to sample as you read:

A broader sampling of Islamic hip hop (including Nation of Islam, NGE, and Sunni - along with nashid and Islamic pop generally) can be located here: Muslim Hip Hop

Ironically for some, Islam has opened a space for women especially those dissatisfied with the objectifications of mainstream hip hop culture, and sometimes deeply politically engaged. See especially:

Beyond music there is also a range of spoken word "language performance", such as "Dead Man Walking" by Amir Suleiman (whom I saw perform live at the UofA in the early 2000s, invited by the Muslim Student Association)


  • Trajectories in African American Islam
  • Musical messaging in multiple genres