Music for Global Human Development - Fall 2016 syllabus
main course page:
short link to this syllabus:
short link to eClass site:
m4ghd project:
Note: week by week plan will unfold gradually, a necessary consequence of our course as a collaborative M4GHD project!
Music 365: Music for Global Human Development
Meetings: Tues and Thurs, H L C 2
Professor Michael Frishkopf
Office: 334D Old Arts Building
Office hours: Wednesday 1:30-3:30, by appointment
Tel: 780-492-0225, email:
This course will focus on Music for Global Human Development (m4ghd) -- the ways music can be used for positive social change on a variety of issues (health, education, peace, integration). We will combine readings in applied ethnomusicology, applied anthropology, ethnomusicology and migration, urban ethnomusicology, critical development studies, and the theory and practice of participatory action research, with case studies of real projects, applying this knowledge to design our own class projects, in collaboration with community partners, through the UofA's Community Service Learning (CSL) program.
We will collaborate with the Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers (EMCN), working with Syrian refugees and other newcomers in Edmonton through music: hearing their stories through music, teaching them music, learning and documenting their music, and generally engaging and developing rapport through music, towards a musical socio-cultural integration and "resonance" for which our class interactions will constitute a kind of microcosm and initial step. Concurrent participation in The Middle Eastern and North African Music Ensemble--which will focus on Syrian repertoire in fall 2016 -- is encouraged, though not required.
There will be no in-class exams nor will there be a final secondary source research paper. Rather we will focus on contributing to these projects, and documenting those contributions as original research.
You will receive Community Service Learning (CSL) credit for this course, which can be applied towards adding a CSL certificate to your degree. Note that this certificate can be added to any bachelor's degree, in any UofA faculty across campus.
From the CSL certificate website:
The Certificate in Community Engagement and Service-Learning allows students to demonstrate that they have significantly integrated community service-learning (CSL) into their postsecondary education. The knowledge and experience students gain through service-learning are relevant and applicable to a wide range of careers, including those in non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the volunteer sector, business and government, and academic institutions. Students enrolled in ANY Undergraduate program at the University of Alberta are eligible for the Certificate, which is received upon graduation and noted in the student transcript."
Requirements and mechanics
The course contains 4 primary components:
- Academic in-class: meetings, structured to facilitate critically engaged discussions of assigned readings, films, and websites. Class attendance and participation is very important! Please be sure you have completed the day's assignment before coming to class. Sometimes particular individuals will be appointed to facilitate related discussion; everyone can expect to receive at least one appointment of this type. We'll also use these sessions to discuss our projects.
- Musical in-class: some of our class time will be spent sharing and learning music; graduate students from the Department of Music will be joining us to teach you to teach various world music traditions (possibly including: Indian, Chinese, Central Asian, Middle Eastern, North American folk...)
- Academic out-of-class: individual class preparation - readings to read, media to watch/hear, websites to review. Sometimes there will be a short written component (around a paragraph) asking you to reflect on content. Sometimes particular individuals will be appointed to facilitate related discussion, necessitating a bit of preparation (jotting down a few questions for discussion); everyone can expect to receive at least one appointment of this type.
- CSL component: out of class CSL work, and associated assignments (e.g. project proposal, resources, field notes, and summary of outcomes). Some of this work will be collaborative. Your CSL component will total 20 hours during the term.
The following is required of each student:
- Coming to class prepared to discuss assignments, whether they are texts to have read, music to have heard, or films to have watched, and actively participating in each one. (If you are appointed to present a particular assignment, coming to class prepared to lead a discussion by jotting down a few questions in advance. Everyone will be appointed at least once.)
- Active participation in out of class activities, including the 20 hour CSL component.
- Completion of written assignments as listed on this course website, to be submitted by the listed date. Except as noted all assignments are to be prepared in a word processor (I recommend Zotero as it makes inserting citations and generating bibliography very simple), then submitted via the eClass site using the button corresponding to the assignment. Please do not submit assignments in hard copy or via email! Some (shorter) assignments are submitted by copying/pasting text into an eClass form. Others (longer, or potentially including graphics) are submitted via file upload. Please ensure that each file contains one and only one assignment, and that your last name appears at the top of the document, and at the start of the filename. All page counts refer to Times New Roman font, 1" margins, single spaced, 8.5 x 11 pages, and do not include bibliography. Please cite references as needed, using Zotero to do so, and don't forget to add a bibliography at the end. You may use MLA, Chicago, Harvard, or any other reference style so long as you're consistent. Please use author-date style, not footnotes/endnotes. All assignments are to be submitted before class on the due date. Thereafter, one quarter point will be deducted, and an additional quarter point for each subsequent day of lateness. (In other words, an assignment due by 9 am that is submitted later that day is downgraded by a quarter point. If it's submitted after 9 am the following day, it's downgraded by a half point.)
- A project proposal (1-2 pages only), defining your CSL project before you undertake it, including aim (what do you want to accomplish and with whom?), steps (what exactly will you do?), a list of resources (what will you need?), and method for assessing impact (how will you know if you've succeeded in your aim?). Ideally this project proposal is "sustainable", as it will contain everything someone else would need to carry it out again. You'll submit a draft; I'll provide feedback, and then you'll submit a revised version. This will form the initial segment of your final report (see below).
- Project module: the substance of your project will be a portable "module" comprising a set of "resources", potentially including text, images, and audio, which you'll use to carry out your CSL project. You'll develop these during the course of the term, and make them available for others (especially EMCN) to use.
- (b)log: based on field notes, you'll keep track of your project by adding entries to a typed log (which may also include media), some portions of which can be made public as a blog (but subject to ethics approvals which we'll review), and other portions of which will remain private (but shared with the instructor) - essentially, these are your fieldnotes, perhaps suitable censored (if on a blog), edited, written out (if handwritten initially). You don't have to make them public on a blog, but if you do you may link from your project report (see below).
- Project report, summarizing what you accomplished, describing the process, assessing results and impact, reflecting on strengths and weaknesses, suggesting future directions, with relevant citations to the literature we read during the term (and optionally going beyond it). This is your final assignment, due at the end of the term. Your paper should be between 10 and 20 pages in length, not including bibliography, using 1.5 line spacing, 1” margins, 12 pt font. (Due: Dec 16). Report sections could include the following (you don't have to adhere rigidly to this model if it's not working for you):
- Title
- Aim/significance: a paragraph or two on your overall aim and its overall importance - linking to the general aim of M4GHD, human development through music (and including your own development!), and intercultural theories we read.
- Background: (what/who/where/why) what is the setting? who are you working with, and where? provide enough background so the reader can understand the project, and its significance.
- Method: initially, what did you decide to do, and how did you decide to carry it out? Refer to PAR as the general frame (explain how you collaborated and with whom), but then explain more precisely what your plan was. How did your project fit with the larger project at your site, in relation to your colleagues working with you? This section could refer to your project as you initially formulated it (with subsequent changes deferred to the next section).
- Impact: what actually happened? drawing on fieldnotes, present the ethnographic scene as you encountered it at the beginning, describing whom you worked with (including your classmates as well as people at your site, and Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers), how relationships (to everyone) changed throughout the duration of the project, how you came to formulate your project initially, how you adapted it over time when things didn't work (or did), and what changes you observed at the end. How did your results compare to those of others you worked with? (if you worked together most of the time then they'll be substantially the same, but hopefully you each chose a unique angle, and you can talk about that). If your fieldnotes contain paraphrased speech it's always effective to include some of that in your report - what people actually said (approximately).
- Critical self-assesssment: again drawing on fieldnotes: what worked, what didn't, and why...How sustainable is your project? What have you left your co-participants to continue on without you? What happens when they leave - can it transfer smoothly to those who come after them? What would you like to have done differently? What would you try next if you were to continue (which you can!)
- Future directions, final thoughts, ideas.
- Link to the module you have developed (see above). If your module comprises text you can simply include it; otherwise, if there are media (video, photos, audio) involved you can link to a website of some kind ( will allow you to create websites and share them - there are many other tools that do the same)
- Link to the blog you have created out of fieldnotes (optional - you don't have to share fieldnotes).
- Notes: Throughout, cite relevant sources we read in class, or others that you've consulted, especially for the background section (which will be different for everyone, e.g. you may want to include a reference to South Sudanese immigration to Canada...), but also when talking about interculturalism or PAR (since we read various papers in class; you can reference these). Use or another reference manager to make the reference task much easier - there are plugins for Word and other word processors that will automatically insert citations and format a bibliography. When you cite your fieldnotes you can simply write "(fieldnotes, November 5, 2016)", for instance; you don't have to add fieldnotes to your bibliography. Note that the bibliography doesn't count towards paper length. Please include photos (if you received permission).
- Upload via eClass.
- this course outline
- M4GHD aims, ideas, theories, methods
- M4GHD issues, applications
- M4GHD related domains: Applied Ethnomusicology, Applied Anthropology, C4D, Arts for Change, Edutainment
- History and Culture of the Arab world
- Syrian refugees
- Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers
- the eClass site
- CCE wiki and FolkwaysAlive wiki, with lots of links.
- Sources for Ethnomusicology, a growing repository of links compiled by former ethnomusicology graduate students
- Resources for ethnomusicological research, another site I've put together, including a number of research databases
- Chicago Manual of Style (you can follow any standard style guide as long as you do so consistently, but Chicago is a standard that's also readily available online, so is highly recommended). MLA is another.
- Zotero is highly recommended to manage and format all your citations - whether you're using Chicago or another style.
Schedule (including weekly assignments)
Click here for Music for Global Human Development - Fall 2016 schedule
Media for the Symposium:
South Sudanese Mennonite Church group
Evaluation and grading
- 25% fieldnotes, including text, media. You may use a blog format if you wish.
- 25% CSL project plan and module, and final report on implementation, assessment, reflection. (PAR: plan-act-observe-reflect)
- 25% weekly assignments, some to be submitted in writing via eClass, others presented in class
- 25% other active participation in class and out of class. (WE are a PAR network!)
All written assignments are to be uploaded to eClass before class (9 am) on the due date. (This is very important so you'll be prepared for class.) Thereafter, an eighth point will be deducted, and an additional eighth point for each subsequent day of lateness (e.g. 8 days' lateness lowers an A to a B). The final research proposal must be submitted by the end of the day on its due date; thereafter, an eighth point will be deducted for each day of lateness.
Evaluations of each assignment are on a scale from 0 - 100, reflecting the letter grades below. These scores are combined according to the percentages indicated in order to produce a final numeric grade. This grade is rounded to the nearest numeric value in the table below, in order to determine the final letter grade.
- A+: 4.3 (98)
- A: 4.0 (95)
- A-: 3.7 (92)
- B+: 3.3 (88)
- B: 3.0 (85)
- B-: 2.7 (82)
- C+: 2.3 (78)
- C: 2.0 (75)
- C-: 1.7 (72)
- D+: 1.3 (68)
- D: 1.0 (65)
- D-: .7 (62)
- F: 0 (60)
Official statements
Course prerequisites: none
Course-based ethics approval, Community service learning: YES
Past or representative evaluative course material: NAr
Additional mandatory instruction fees: No
Policy about course outlines can be found in Section 23.4(2) of the University Calendar. (GFC 29 SEP 2003).
Academic Integrity
“The University of Alberta is committed to the highest standards of academic integrity and honesty. Students are expected to be familiar with these standards regarding academic honesty and to uphold the policies of the University in this respect. Students are particularly urged to familiarize themselves with the provisions of the Code of Student Behaviour (online at ) and avoid any behaviour that could potentially result in suspicions of cheating, plagiarism, misrepresentation of facts and/or participation in an offence. Academic dishonesty is a serious offence and can result in suspension or expulsion from the University.
Learning and working environment
The Faculty of Arts is committed to ensuring that all students, faculty and staff are able to work and study in an environment that is safe and free from discrimination and harassment. It does not tolerate behaviour that undermines that environment. The department urges anyone who feels that this policy is being violated to:
• Discuss the matter with the person whose behaviour is causing concern; or
• If that discussion is unsatisfactory, or there is concern that direct discussion is inappropriate or threatening, discuss it with the Chair of the Department.
For additional advice or assistance regarding this policy you may contact the student ombudservice: ( ). Information about the University of Alberta Discrimination and Harassment Policy and Procedures is described in UAPPOL at
Academic Honesty:
All students should consult the information provided by the Office of Judicial Affairs regarding avoiding cheating and plagiarism in particular and academic dishonesty in general (see the Academic Integrity Undergraduate Handbook and Information for Students). If in doubt about what is permitted in this class, ask the instructor. Students involved in language courses and translation courses should be aware that on-line “translation engines” produce very dubious and unreliable “translations.” Students in language courses should be aware that, while seeking the advice of native or expert speakers is often helpful, excessive editorial and creative help in assignments is considered a form of “cheating” that violates the code of student conduct with dire consequences. An instructor or coordinator who is convinced that a student has handed in work that he or she could not possibly reproduce without outside assistance is obliged, out of consideration of fairness to other students, to report the case to the Associate Dean of the Faculty. See the Academic Discipline Process.
Recording of Lectures:
Audio or video recording of lectures, labs, seminars or any other teaching environment by students is allowed only with the prior written consent of the instructor or as a part of an approved accommodation plan. Recorded material is to be used solely for personal study, and is not to be used or distributed for any other purpose without prior written consent from the instructor.
Attendance, Absences, and Missed Grade Components:
Regular attendance is essential for optimal performance in any course. In cases of potentially excusable absences due to illness or domestic affliction, notify your instructor by e-mail within two days. Regarding absences that may be excusable and procedures for addressing course components missed as a result, consult sections 23.3(1) and 23.5.6 of the University Calendar. Be aware that unexcused absences will result in partial or total loss of the grade for the “attendance and participation” component(s) of a course, as well as for any assignments that are not handed-in or completed as a result.
In this course, 10% of your grade depends on regular attendance and energetic participation.
Policy for Late Assignments:
See section on Evaluation, above.
Specialized Support & Disability Services:
If you have special needs that could affect your performance in this class, please let me know during the first week of the term so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If you are not already registered with Specialized Support & Disability Services, contact their office immediately ( 2-800 SUB; Email; Email; phone 780-492-3381; WEB ).
Media Archives and Departmental Broadcasting of Audio-visual Material
Audio or video recording of performances, lectures, seminars, or any other academic or research environment activities are carried out by the Department of Music for archival purposes. These archives may be collected and housed in the Music Library. Recorded material is to be used solely for non-profit, educational, research, and community outreach purposes, and is not to be used or distributed for any other purpose without obtaining the express permission from all parties involved.
Please be advised that your solo or group performance may be featured on the University of Alberta's Department of Music website and/or social media platform(s). If you object to this use of audio and/or video material in which you will be included, please advise your instructor or the Department of Music in writing prior to participating in any performance, lecture, seminar or public event held by the Department of Music.