The home of Zina Ivanivna Litovka and Petro Omelianovych Litovka. Working the potato field outside the home. Here they are trying to kill the potato beetle. They call them Colorado beetles in Ukraine and some claim that these were introduced to Ukraine intentionally as a form of biological warfare during the Cold War. Pictured is Natalie Kononenko working in her underwear, a typical "city person" approach to fieldwork. Many village women would remove their tops and work in their bras. Only city women would also remove their skirts. In the background is the summer shower. Water is drawn from the well and poured into a holding tank where it heats up during the day. In the evening, you can have a warm shower. Morning showers are rather chilly.

Ukraine -- Chernihivs'ka oblast' -- Nosivs'kyi raion -- Ploske