Shawna Ross in Feminist Modernist Studies

In her discussion of Donna Haraway’s “Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective,” Ross notes Haraway’s assertion “that we should respond to this recontextualization of scientific values and practices not by ‘holding out for a feminist version of objectivity,’ but by creating ‘an earthwide network of connections, including the ability partially to translate knowledges among very different – and power-differentiated – communities’” (578, 580). Ross continues, “Such an ‘earthwide network,’ I argue, requires more feminist digital initiatives similar to the Orlando Project. After all, literary criticism is a mode of translating knowledges. When we choose what to teach, edit, and publish, and when we select our methods for doing so, we are constructing networks that can either counteract or reinforce masculinist assumptions about what knowledges should be preserved and shared.”

She also observes that the Digital Diversity conference, held in 2015, was “deliberately timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the Orlando Project. This nod to the project is not only a testament to the broad reach, lasting influence, and feminist ethos of this resource beyond the screens of its multitudinous individual users, but also to the continued need to remind the DH community of its own underexamined feminist roots.”

Shawna Ross, “Toward a Feminist Modernist Digital Humanities,” Feminist Modernist Studies 2 (October 2018).