Virtual Ukrainian Houses

As was stated in the Introduction, the village house is so emblematic of Ukrainian village life that we wanted to generate Virtual Reality tours of these houses. In the summer of 2001 data were obtained to generate the Latysh Farm and House. Generating this house on the computer is very labor intensive, but does produce a very realistic 3-D model. Measurements of the house and photographs of the house, all the objects in the house, and all the farm buildings took two people one week. Over 600 digital photographs were taken. After our return to the USA all these data were turned into a computer model of the farm – this took nine months.
In 2005 we used the simpler technique with a parabolic panorama mirror. One photograph generates a panorama of a room, digital photographs of objects on the walls can then be incorporated into the panorama as “hot spots”.
In this section we will show five village houses and an apartment in Kyiv..