Ukrainian Folklore Audio Project

We are looking for volunteers.

On this website we have three types of recordings: “songs”, “stories”, and “beliefs”. We will be continuously adding more of these to this website.

If you understand spoken Ukrainian, we would like you to listen to some of these recordings and then write the words down in Ukrainian, in English, or in both Ukrainian and English. You can do all of this on the website or you can download a sound clip and listen to it and write down the words on your computer. Then, when you are ready, you can paste the words back onto the website.

Once you have “checked out” a sound file, no one else can work on it until you are finished. This way we do not have two people working on the same file at the same time.

The words you put on the website can only be seen by Natalie and her student assistant Maryna. They will check them, make small corrections if necessary, and then put the written words back on the website for the whole world to see – while the sound recording is playing. In this way people can also use the website to improve their understanding of Ukrainian and English.

If you want your name, city, and country to be seen with the translation we will place it on the website. If you do not want that information shown we will keep it anonymous.

Reciprocal Analysis: Group-sourcing Ukrainian Audio is SSHRC funded project,

Lead By Dr. Natalie Kononenko, ''Kule Chair of Ukrainian Ethnography''.

Co-Investigator: Dr. Geoffrey Rockwell, ''Director of the Office of Interdisciplinary Studies''.

Programmer: Karl Anvik

Research Assistants: