HADVC 215 | CHINA ART NOW | Winter 2019

Course Description

This course is an introduction to art and visual culture produced in China since 1976 — the end of the Cultural Revolution and the beginning of the "open reform" era. We will study the art forms taught in art academies (painting, sculpture, installation, photography, performance and video) and will also look at popular mediums such as advertisements, billboards, and online videos. We will consider critical issues confronting artists across China, including: globalization; urbanization and migration; pollution and the environment; the political legacy of the imperial and Maoist-era past; definitions of gender, sexuality and individual identity, and; political censorship.

Course Objectives
During the semester, students will:
1) Acquire a basic familiarity with various mediums, formats, and genres of visual arts in China now;
2) Develop an understanding of art historical problems and concepts;
3) Develop the skills of writing formal analysis;
4) Learn how to interpret works of art, design, and visual culture as complex artifacts of social, political, religious, and economic life in China.

FAB 2-20

Professor Lisa Claypool
email claylisa@ualberta.ca
office FAB 3-89B
office hours after class and by appointment
